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The Department of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering Technology at SHSU consists of two major programs of study: Agricultural Sciences and Industrial Sciences. Within each program are a number of specialized majors and minors, offering students the opportunity to tailor degree programs with specific career goals. The Department currently has 28 full and part-time faculty. With a current enrollment of over 1100 majors, making us one of the largest non land-grant agriculture and industrial technology programs in the U.S.
Bachelor of Science Degrees are offered in ten different emphasis areas, along with the Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences degree. Secondary Teacher Certification may be added to many of these degree options. For those interested in graduate studies, Master of Science degrees in Agricultural Sciences is available. Teacher certification in Agricultural Sciences is also available through the MS program. The Master of Business Administration in Agribusiness is a joint option with the College of Business Administration.
The department manages a number of facilities to prepare our students for their respective educational and career choices. The Thomason Building, on the main campus, is home to administrative and faculty offices and most lecture classes as well as the electronics laboratory. The Farrington Building, on main campus, hosts the Soils Laboratory for scientific study of soils, plants and chemical relationships and the Computer Aided Drafting Laboratory used by students studying Design and Development, Construction Management, Industrial Management, Landscape Design and Interior Design.
The William R. Harrell Agricultural Engineering Technology Center and the Industrial Technology Center house classrooms and laboratory facilities for teaching, providing hands-on experiences, and applied research in power machinery, hot and cold metal, foundry techniques, agricultural, industrial and residential construction techniques, surveying, soil and water conservation, electricity, electronics, plastics, concrete and hydraulic technologies. A new addition includes the biofuels research lab and a state-of-the-art dynamometer.
The Agriculture Center on I-45 has an Indoor Arena, Meat Science Lab, Soil Science Lab, Equine Unit, and greenhouse. The nearby Horticulture Center includes two additional greenhouses, a classroom, a floral design laboratory, gardens and fruit orchards.
The 1,740-acre SHSU Gibbs Ranch is approximately ten minutes from campus on Highway 75 North. The Gibbs educational and research facilities include an outdoor arena, goat and cattle show barns and covered livestock management facilities. The ranch is home to a 60-head meat goat flock and the 250 cattle that comprise our purebred and commercial beef cattle herds. The ranch also has eight ponds that are stocked with largemouth bass and/or catfish.
We are very proud to have facilities that serve as hands-on laboratories for learning technical skills. Not only do our students receive a first-class academic experience but they are also expected to “learn by doing.” Business and industry demands “experience” and in the Department of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering Technology these experiences are built into each class. To further develop “experiences” students have an option to do internships in their field of study, as well as having options for international opportunities in Costa Rica, Mexico, China, Australia, and many other countries, sponsored by SHSU International Programs.
Dr. Stanley Kelley, Chair
Department of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering Technology
Sam Houston State University