Dr. Chad W. Hargrave


Aquatic Ecology and Fish Conservation
Ph.D., University of Oklahoma

Phone: (936) 294-1538
(936) 294-3940 
E-mail: cwh005@shsu.edu


Research Interests

I use general ecological theory spanning the hierarchy levels of ecology to address contemporary issues in aquatic ecology and biodiversity conservation. For example, in my research I use organismal-level theory (e.g., metabolic theory, natural selection, etc), population-level theory (dynamic modeling, etc.), community-level theory (e.g., food web modeling, etc.), and ecosystem-level theory (e.g., ecological stoichiometry) to understand the link between organism distribution/abundance to abiotic and biotic context of aquatic ecosystems. My goal is to help generate general models that may be used to predict how ecosystem change (anthropogenic or natural) may affect aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem processes at local and regional scales. I have used this approach to contribute to general theoretical issues in ecology as well as tackle specific applied conservation issues for endangered species managers.


Selected Publications

Chad W. Hargrave, K. David Hambright, and Lawrence J. Weider. 2011. Variation in resource consumption across a gradient of increasing intra- and inter-specific richness. Ecology, 92:1226-1235. 

Chad W. Hargrave, Samuel Hamontree†, and Kaitlen P. Gary. 2010. Direct and indirect food web regulation of microbial decomposers in headwater streams. Oikos, 119:1785-1795.

Chad W. Hargrave, Kaitlen P. Gary†, Samir K. Rosado†. 2009. Potential effects of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide on benthic autotrophs and consumers in stream ecosystems: a test using experimental stream mesocosms. Global Change Biology, 15:2779-2790

Chad W. Hargrave. 2006. A test of three alternative pathways for consumer regulation of primary productivity. Oecologia 149:123-132.

Chad W. Hargrave, Raul Ramirez, Melody Brooks, Michael A. Eggleton, Katherine Sutherland, Raelynn Deaton, and Heather Galbraith. 2006. Indirect food web interactions increase growth of an algivorous stream fish. Freshwater Biology 51:1901-1910.