Our Application is Closed!
You can access our application in the Scholarships4Kats module located on your MySam "Students" tab!
Please note: You must apply and be accepted to Sam Houston State University to access the application.
Please refrain from calling about application status. We will contact those selected and not selected at the end of March.
Scholarship Information
- History
The Smith-Hutson Scholarship was established at Sam Houston State University in 1996, to provide post-secondary opportunity for students who may not have otherwise had a chance to earn a baccalaureate degree
- How to Apply
- Incoming Freshmen: Entering Freshmen (high school students graduating from a Texas high school in May/June of 2025, regardless of how many university hours have already been earned) seeking a bachelor's degree (any major) from Sam Houston State University. This scholarship is for a maximum of four years of undergraduate studies at SHSU. To apply, applicants will follow the instructions listed in the application. For general inquiries please contact Chris Garcia, Director of the Smith-Hutson Scholarship Program at 936-294-3116 or via email at smith-hutson@shsu.edu.
- Transfer Students: Students transferring from a Texas community college who will be pursuing an undergraduate degree from SHSU. This scholarship is for a maximum of two years of undergraduate studies at SHSU. If you are already an SHSU student, you are ineligible to apply. To apply, applicants will follow the instructions listed in the application. For general inquiries please contact Chris Garcia, Director of the Smith-Hutson Scholarship Program at 936-294-3116 or via email at smith-hutson@shsu.edu.
Applying for the Smith-Hutson Scholarship Program
APPLICATION POSTING DATE: The application will be available for eligible applicants via "Scholarships4Kats" on October 1, 2024 - You must apply and be accepted to SHSU to access Scholarships4Kats. It will be available through your MySam account.
There are two groups of students who are eligible to apply for a Smith-Hutson Scholarship.
DEADLINE: **The deadline to submit an application is 11:59pm Sunday, February 2, 2025.**
- Community Involvement
The Smith-Hutson Scholars' Council
The purpose of the the Smith-Hutson Scholars' Council at Sam Houston State University is to improve the camaraderie of the scholarship program and serve the surrounding community with leadership and integrity. The council strives to ensure that our students will have a significant impact on the future leadership of the scholarship program.PAL
Smith-Hutson Scholars value leadership, academics, service, and community. The Peer Assistance & Leadership Program (PAL) is a tool for Freshman scholars to build friendships and establish connections within the Smith-Hutson Scholarship Program with the help of Peer Leaders. The objective of the program is to connect students with one another, to campus resources, and with Smith-Hutson values.
- History
Smith-Hutson Essentials
Frequently Asked Questions
How much is the Smith-Hutson Scholarship each year?
The Smith-Hutson Freshman Scholarship is a completer scholarship with a recipient being awarded up to $20,000 a year, for four years.
The Smith-Hutson Transfer Scholarship is a completer scholarship with a recipient being awarded up to $20,000 a year, for two years.What is a completer scholarship?
The Smith-Hutson completer scholarship includes other scholarships awarded, apart from the Pell Grant, up to the maximum amount of the scholarship.
Example: If awarded a local scholarship of $5,000, Smith-Hutson would award $15,000 to total it's maximum of $20,000 a year. If you also receive $3,000 from Pell Grant, the total amount you would receive for the year would be $23,000.Does the Smith-Hutson Scholarship Program automatically renew or do applicants need to reapply each year?
The freshman scholarship will automatically renew for a maximum of eight semesters, or until the recipient has earned a baccalaureate degree, whichever comes first, provided scholars maintain all other program requirements. The transfer scholarship will automatically renew for a maximum of four semesters, or until the recipient has earned a baccalaureate degree, whichever comes first, provided scholars maintain all other program requirements.
What are the eligibility requirements?
The Smith-Hutson Scholarship Program is targeted toward individuals who have demonstrated academic prowess, leadership potential, and financial need. To remain eligible for renewal, scholars must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 and a minimum of 30 semester credit hours each year. All applicants are required to file for FAFSA.
Are Smith-Hutson Scholars required to live on-campus?
The Smith-Hutson Scholarship has a "Freshmen Learning Community" in which all freshmen scholars will be housed in San Jacinto Hall.
Transfer or non-freshmen scholars receive up to $20,000 a year. The refund received, after tuition and fees are deducted, will be the remaining amount you can put toward rent charges for any off-campus living. If rent is more than your refund amount, you will be expected to make up the difference.
Smith-Hutson Scholars Lead the Way!
Dedicated to providing opportunities to students who otherwise may not have a chance to earn a baccalaureate degree, the Smith-Hutson Scholarship Program is targeted toward individuals who have demonstrated Academic Achievement, Leadership Potential, and financial need.
Our Vision: Building a community of scholars who demonstrate Academic Achievement, Service, and Leadership
Our Mission: Learn Together. Serve Together. Lead Together.

Important Dates
Sep 5, 2024 – Smith-Hutson Scholars Fall Banquet
Sep 28, 2024 – Smith-Hutson Scholars Fall Retreat
Oct 1, 2024 - Smith-Hutson Scholarship Application Open
Feb 2, 2025 – Smith-Hutson Scholarship Application Deadline
View our calendar to see important dates and upcoming events!
Outreach Numbers
Current Scholars at SHSU
Total Scholars Awarded Since 1996
Smith-Hutson 4-Year Graduation Rate
National 4-Year Graduation Rate
Texas 4-Year Graduation Rate
Join Our Community
Smith-Hutson Scholars Student Organization
If you are awarded the Smith-Hutson scholarship, you are automatically a member of the student organization. To get involved make sure to follow our social media for updates on future events! Get to know your class cohort senator who represents you, they will keep you up-to-date on ways to contribute to local needs.