29. Kelly, R.M.; Kim, J.H.; Villalta-Cerdas, A.; Hansen, S.; Akagun, S. (2025). What Knowledge Resources Do General Chemistry Students Use to Agree or Disagree with Atomic Level Acid–Base Animations? Weblink.
28. Villarreal, W.; Hicks, M.; De La Cerda, J.; Smith, G. D.; Villalta-Cerdas, A. (2024). Mixing Chemistry and Art: Exploring Azeotrope Mixtures Used to Clean Paintings in Art Conservation. Weblink.
27. Villalta-Cerdas, A. (2024). Bridging the Worlds of Art and Science: How General Chemistry Empowers Cultural Heritage Preservation. Weblink.
26. Van-Sertima, A.; Simmons, S.; Zablah-Vasquez, R.; Villalta-Cerdas, A. (2024). Determination of Chemical Composition in Tri-Metal Alloys: A Three Variable Linear Equation System Approach. Weblink.
25. Jang, B., Villalta-Cerdas, A., Shelton, G.R., Dubrovskiy, A., Powell, C.B., Mamiya, B., Broadway, S., Weber, R., Williamson. V. & Mason, D. (2023). Effects of Texas' Isomorphic Curriculum on Readiness for Post-secondary Gateway Courses in Chemistry. Weblink.
24. Villalta-Cerdas, A. Smith, G. D., Carrison DeSmit, M., Goodpaster, J. V. (2023). Room temperature evaporation behavior of homogeneous azeotropes used in art conservation cleaning treatments. Weblink.
23. Shelton, G. R., Villalta-Cerdas, A., Jang, B., Dubrovskiy, A., Mamiya, B., Weber, R., Broadway, S., Williamson, V., Powell, C. B., & Mason, D. (2023). Importance of academic legacy on student success in first- and second-semester general chemistry. Weblink.
22. Villalta-Cerdas, A.; Yildiz, F. (2022). Creating Significant Learning Experiences in an Engineering Technology Bridge Course: a backward design approach. Weblink.
21. Yildiz, F.; Villalta-Cerdas, A.; Thompson, D. E.; Martin, T. E.; Swarthout, M. B. (2022). The STEM Center to Promote Undergraduate Education and Research at Sam Houston State University. Weblink.
20. Villalta-Cerdas, A.; Dubrovskiy, A.; Mamiya, B.; Walker, D. R.; Powell, C. B.; Broadway, S.; Weber, R.; Shelton, G. R.; Mason, D. (2022). Personal characteristics influencing college readiness of Hispanic students in a STEM gateway course: first-semester general chemistry. Weblink.
19. Dubrovskiy, A.; Broadway, S.; Jang, B.; Mamiya, B.; Powell, C. B.; Shelton, G. R.; Walker, D. R.; Weber, R.; Williamson, V.; Villalta-Cerdas, A.; Mason, D. (2022). Is the gender gap closing? Weblink.
18. Mamiya, B.; Powell, C. B.; Shelton, G. R.; Dubrovskiy, A.; Villalta-Cerdas, A.; Broadway, S.; Weber, R.; Mason, D. (2022). Influence of Environmental Factors on Success of At-Risk Hispanic Students in First-Semester General Chemistry. Weblink.
17. Shelton, R. G.; Mamiya, B.; Weber, R.; Walker, D. R.; Powell, C. B.; Jang, B.; Dubrovskiy, A. V.; Villalta-Cerdas, A.; Mason, D. (2021). Early Warning Signals from Automaticity Diagnostic Instruments for First- and Second-Semester General Chemistry. Weblink.
16. Kelly, R. M.; Akaygun, S.; Hansen, S. J. R.; Villalta-Cerdas, A.; Adam, J. (2021). Examining Learning of Atomic Level Ideas About Precipitation Reactions with a Resources Framework. Weblink.
15. Villalta-Cerdas, A.; Thompson, D. E.; Hegwood, S. L. (2021). Integration of Research-based Strategies and Instructional Design: Creating Significant Learning Experiences in a Chemistry Bridge Course. Weblink.
14. Pazicni, S.; Wink, D. J.; Donovan, A.; Conrad, J. A.; Darr, J.; Richter-Egger, D. L.; Morgan Theall, R. A.; Villalta-Cerdas, A.; Walker, D. R. (2021). The ACS General Chemistry Performance Expectations Project: From Task Force to Three-Dimensional Learning Community. Weblink.
13. Weber, R.; Powell, C. B.; Williamson, V.; Mamiya, B.; Walker, D. R.; Dubrovskiy, A.; Shelton, G. R.; Villalta-Cerdas, A.; Jang, B.; Broadway, S.; Mason, D. (2020). Relationship between academic preparation in general chemistry and potential careers. Weblink.
12. Villalta-Cerdas, A.; McCleary, C. (2019). Analysis of copper alloys as an introduction to data analysis and interpretation for General Chemistry courses. Weblink.
11. Hansen, S. J. R.; Hu, B.; Reidlova, D.; Kelly, R. M.; Akaygun, S.; Villalta-Cerdas, A. (2019). Critical consumption of chemistry visuals: eye tracking structured variation and visual feedback of redox and precipitation reactions. Weblink.
10. Kelly, R. M.; Akaygun, S.; Hansen, S. J. R.; Villalta-Cerdas, A. (2017). The effect that comparing molecular animations of varying accuracy has on students’ submicroscopic explanations. Weblink.
9. Villalta-Cerdas, A.; Sandi-Urena, S. (2016). Assessment of self-explaining effect in a large enrollment general chemistry course. Weblink.
8. Villalta-Cerdas, A.; Sandi-Urena, S. (2014). Self-explaining effect in general chemistry instruction: Eliciting overt categorical behaviours by design. Weblink.
7. Villalta-Cerdas, A.; McKeny, P.; Gatlin, T. A.; Sandi-Urena, S. (2014). Evaluation of Instruction: General Chemistry Students’ Patterns of Use and Contribution to RateMyProfessors.com. Weblink.
6. Villalta-Cerdas, A.; Sandi-Urena, S. (2013). Self-explaining and its Use in College Chemistry Instruction. Weblink.
5. Bergin, A., Sharp, K., Gatlin, T., Villalta-Cerdas, A., Gower, A., Sandi-Urena, S. (2013). Use of RateMyProfessors.com as a supplemental tool for the assessment of General Chemistry Instruction. Weblink.
4. Yang, M.; Flavin, K.; Kopf, I.; Radics, G.; Hearnden, C. H. A.; McManus, G. J.; Moran, B.; Villalta-Cerdas, A.; Echegoyen, L. A.; Giordani, S.; Lavelle, E. C. (2013). Functionalization of Carbon Nanoparticles Modulates Inflammatory Cell Recruitment and NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation. Weblink.
3. Plonska-Brzezinska, M.; Dubis, A.; Lapinski, A.; Villalta-Cerdas, A.; Echegoyen, L. (2011). Electrochemical Properties of Oxidized Carbon Nano-Onions: DRIFTS-FTIR and Raman Spectroscopic Analyses. Weblink.
2. Plonska-Brzezinska, M.; Lapinski, A.; Wilczewska, A. Z.; Dubis, A.; Villalta-Cerdas, A.; Winkler, K.; Echegoyen, L. (2011). The synthesis and characterization of carbon nano-onions produced by solution ozonolysis. Weblink.
1. Breczko, J.; Winkler, K.; Plonska-Brzezinska, M.; Villalta-Cerdas, A.; Echegoyen, L. (2010). Electrochemical properties of composites containing small carbon nano-onions and solid polyelectrolytes. Weblink.