Dr. Chase Young
Chase Young
(936) 294-3061
TEC 278B

- Ph.D. Reading Education, University of North Texas (2012)
- M.S. Elementary Reading and Literacy, Walden University (2008)
- B.A. Behavioral Science, Minor in Elementary Education (2005)
Areas of Expertise
reading fluency; reading interventions; diagnosis and remediation of reading difficulties
Chase Young, PhD, is a professor in the School of Teaching and Learning at Sam Houston State University and the director of the Education Doctorate in Literacy. He earned his PhD in Reading Education from the University of North Texas in 2012. Previously, he was the Silverman Endowed Chair of Literacy at Texas A&M University in Corpus Christi where he was also selected as one of Corpus Christi’s 40 Under 40 for his work with young readers in the community. His research primarily aims to develop reading fluency and supporting struggling readers in elementary school. He was awarded the Excellence in Research Award in 2021 by the College of Education. In 2014, the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers selected him as their Jerry Johns Promising Researcher. He is working on his 5th book, Artfully Teaching the Science of Reading (Routlege) along with David Paige and Tim Rasinski. He is also currently an editor of Literacy Research and Instruction and previously served as editor of the Journal of Teacher Action Research and the Texas Journal of Literacy Education. Before entering higher education, he taught elementary school and served as a reading specialist.
Selected Publications
Young, C., Durham, P., Rasinski, T., Godwin, A., & Miller, M. (in press). Closing the gender gap in reading with readers theater. Journal of Educational Research.
Paige, D., Young, C., Rasinski, T., Rupley, W., Nichols, W, & Valerio, M. (2021). Teaching reading is more than a science: It’s also an art. Reading Research Quarterly, 56(S1), S339– S350.
Landreth, S., & Young, C. (2021). Developing fluency and comprehension with the secondary fluency routine. Journal of Educational Research, 114(3), 252-262.
Young, C., Mohr, K. A. J., Landreth, S. (2020). Improving boys’ reading comprehension with readers theatre. Journal of Research in Reading, 43(3), 347-363.
Young, C., Durham, P.1, Miller, M.1, Rasinski, T., & Lane, F.1 (2019). Improving reading comprehension with readers theater. Journal of Educational Research, 112(5), 615-626.
Young, C. (2019). Increased frequency and planning: A more effective approach to guided reading in Grade 2. Journal of Educational Research, 112(1), 121-130.
Young, C., & Ortlieb, E. (in press). Implementing readers theater in secondary classrooms. Reading Psychology.
Young, C., & Rasinski, T. (2018). Readers Theatre: Effects on word recognition automaticity and reading prosody. Journal of Research in Reading, 41(3), 475-485.
Young, C., Pearce, D., Gomez, J., Christensen, R., Pletcher, B., & Fleming, K. (2018). Examining the effects of Read Two Impress and the Neurological Impress Method. Journal of Educational Research, 111(6), 657-665.
Young, C., & Mohr, K. (2018). Exploring factors that influence quality literature circles. Literacy Research and Instruction, 57(1), 44-58.
Young, C., Stokes, F., & Rasinski, T. (2017). Readers Theater plus comprehension and word study. Reading Teacher, 71(3), 351-355.
Young, C., Valadez, C., & Gandara, C. (2016). Using performance methods to enhance students’ reading fluency. Journal of Educational Research, 109(6), 624-630.
Ortlieb, E., & Young, C. (2016). Never too old: A how-to guide for developing adult readers’ oral reading skills. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy. 60(2), 213-216.
Young, C., Rasinski, T., & Mohr, K. A. J. (2016). Read Two Impress: An intervention for disfluent readers. Reading Teacher, 69(6), 633-636.
Young, C., Mohr, K. A. J., & Rasinski, T. (2015). Reading together: A successful reading fluency intervention. Literacy Research and Instruction, 54(1), 67-81.