Gang Gong

Gang Gong Gang Gong
Department of Environmental and Geosciences
P.O. Box 2148
Huntsville, TX 77341

Office: LDB 333

 (936) 294-4564

GEOG 1401 Weather and Climate
GEOG 3363 Computer Cartography
GEOG 4468 Remote Sensing
GEOG 4359 Transportation Geography
GEOG 5364 Spatial Analysis
Urban Studies
Historical Geography

Associate Professor, Graduate Advisor

Broadly trained as a human geographer, I have research interests in many sub-fields of human geography such as land use change, population, crime, transportation, and historical geography. I am also fascinated by various geospatial technologies such as GIS and Remote Sensing and interested in applying them in my research. Currently I am working on a number of research topics following this line: (1) land use fragmentation analysis; (2) spatial impact on the measure of urban racial segregation; (3) crime pattern recognition; and (4) map story with GIS. 


I enjoy teaching and working with students. Introducing the cutting edge geospatial technology to students and watching them learning, exploring, and applying new skills is one of the best parts of my teaching career.