Nam Young Kim, PhD

Nam Young Kim, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Associate Chair
PR/Advertising Program Coordinator
Office: DRCB 322E
Phone: 936.294.4445
Dr. Kim is an advertising/new media scholar, advisor, and communicator. Dr. Kim is originally from South Korea, and she earned her M.A. from Pennsylvania State University (Focus: Media Effects) and her Ph.D. from Louisiana State University (Focus: Advertising/Public Relations). Dr. Kim joined Sam Houston State University in 2012.
Faculty Position:
Associate Professor, Department of Mass Communication, 2018-present (Assistant Professor, 2012-2018).
Administrative Positions:
Associate Chair of Mass Communication Department (2021 Fall-)
PR/Advertising Concentrate Coordinator (2016 Fall – Current)
Teaching Specialties
Principles of Advertising; Sales and Marketing; Campaigns for PR/Advertising; Social Media for PR/Advertising; Mass Communication Theory; Digital Advertising
Research Interests/ Recent Publications, Productions
Dr. Kim’s research focuses on improving the effectiveness of advertising in new media circumstance. Her recent research examines how the effect of advertising customization in a Web interface that allows message receivers to choose the ad content can influence their perceptions of the forced exposure to the online ads. Her research work has been published in the Journal of Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Journal of Media Psychology, Journal of Interactive Advertising, Journal of Promotion Management, etc.
- Biswas, , & Kim, N. Y. (2020). African American online newspapers’ coverage of policy debate on the affordable care act in 2017. Newspaper Research Journal, 41(3), 1-19.
- Kim, N. Y. (2018). The effect of ad customization and ad variation on internet users' perceptions of forced multiple advertising exposures and attitudes. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 18(1), 15-27.
- Kim, N. Y., & Biswas, M. K. (2018). What makes people underestimate the perceived impact of public service announcements? The theoretical implication for the third person and first-person perceptions. Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communication, 2(4), 95-108.
- Kim, N. Y. (2017). The effect of advertising content control on advertising effectiveness in the different forced exposure circumstance. Journal of Promotion Management. 24(6), 1-18.
- Biswas, K., & Kim, N. Y. (2016). Framing of climate issues and “COP21”: U.S. newspaper coverage vs Indian newspaper coverage. Environment and Social Psychology, 1(2), 141–151.
- Kim, Y., & Sundar, S. S. (2012). What’s relevance got to do with it? Exploring the appeal of personalization in Web sites. Journal of Media Psychology, 24(3), 89-101.
- Kim, Y., & Sundar, S. S. (2010). Relevance to the rescue: Can “smart ads” reduce negative response to online ad clutter? Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 87(2), 346-362.
- Ph. D. in Mass Communication and Public Affairs, Louisiana State University, 2012
- M.A. in Communication focusing on Telecommunications, Pennsylvania State University, 2007
- M.A. in Communication focusing on Telecommunications, Sookmyung Women’s University, 2004
- B.A. in Family & Resource Management, Sookmyung Women’s University, 2002