The Festive Marches

Marcia No. 11, Op. 138, PP.142.11

March No. 11 is another of the Piacentine marches that has no Fine marked, merely the da capo. Also, the rhythm of the last measure of the Trio has the "final" rhythm that Ponchielli seems to prefer. Thus, one must remember that this march was originally intended as a military object as opposed to an aesthetic object. In its military application, a march seeks to promote good order and morale in the soldiers it serves. From our vantage point of incessant access to music, a world that is bereft of a steady infusion of music must seem an odd place. The members of Piacenza's Guardia nazionalewere likely uplifted by sprightly marches such as this with its mixture of jauntiness and unabashed melody.

As a "cut-time" march, No. 11 has an air of restraint and dignity that 6/8 and 2/4 marches do not share.

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