Academic Preparation for Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.)
Chiropractors emphasize the manual and manipulative therapies as an alternative to medications and surgery for neuromusculoskeletal disorders. Some common patient procedures are spinal manipulation, manual therapy to joints and soft tissue, rehabilitative exercises, health promotion, electrical modalities, complementary procedures, and lifestyle counseling.

Prerequisite courses vary by program, but the following are required/recommended by one or both of the chiropractic colleges in Texas. (SHSU course codes included.)
- 4 hours of Human Anatomy & Physiology I (BIOL 2403)
- 4 hours of General Chemistry (CHEM 1411)
- 16 hours of additional life & physical sciences (at least half of which much include a lab).
- Recommended options include: Human Anatomy & Physiology II (BIOL 2404), General Chemistry II (CHEM 1412), Organic Chemistry I (CHEM 2323 & 2123), Organic Chemistry II (CHEM 2325 & 2125), General Biology (BIOL 1406 and BIOL 1407), Biochemistry (CHEM 3438), Physics I (PHYS 1301 & 1101), Physics II (PHYS 1302 & 1102), Microbiology (BIOL 2420 or BIOL 34710), Exercise Physiology (KINE 3373 & 3173), Biomechanics (KINE 4362)
- Courses from Humanities and Social Sciences
- Recommended options from Texas Core: English Composition (ENGL 1301 and ENGL 1302), Introductory Psychology (PSYC 1301), Communications (COMS 1361), Business, and additional Social Sciences.
While chiropractic schools typically require no specific undergraduate academic major, selecting a major in Health Sciences, Biology, or Kinesiology can be an efficient pathway. Other disciplines may offer a variety of interesting courses appropriate for students interested in chiropractic school. However, if you choose a major outside of the life and physical science area, you must still complete the requirements for chiropractic school, and these may be in addition to the requirements needed to satisfy your degree plan for your selected major.
Completion of a bachelor's degree is not required for admission. However, some states require a degree as a condition for licensure. Students must compete a minimum of 90 hours with a 3.0 minimum grade point average.