World Languages & Cultures (WOLC)

In the Department of World Languages, you will receive personalized attention to assist you in reaching your educational and professional goals.Whether you need help with course content or advice on which courses to take, your professors and student leaders are here for you.

Enhance Your Career Minor In World Languages & Cultures
Engage in not only languages, but cultures and literature. With rigor, our department devotes itself to understanding the cultural impact and the potentional for transformation in a global world through languages and cultures.
Minor in one of our five offered languages: Arabic/Middle Eastern Studies, French/Francophone Studies, German, Spanish and Latin American/LatinX Studies. BE BOLD. Join the Department of World Languages & Cultures today!
Q: Why can't I enroll in the class I want for next semester and what should I do?
There may be several reasons:
You have not completed the prerequisite class with a C or better.
If you have not completed the prerequisite, fill out the "OVERRIDE REQUEST FORM" below for temporary unblock so you can enroll. However, you will be automatically dropped the first day of class if you do not earn a C or better in the prerequisite. You will also need professor approval before the request can be processed.
If you have completed the prerequisite with lower than a C, re-enroll in that prerequisite and raise the grade to C or above. No exceptions.
You may have a financial hold. Please contact the Registrar.
The class may be full. Due to pedagogical limits on how many students can be effectively taught in a language course, WOLC does not force-register closed courses due to the maximum enrollment being reached. This limit is even more crucial in an on-line course and during the summer. Please contact the instructor; this is an instructor decision. Do not contact the chair. We're sorry not to be able to facilitate you as you request but we can advise you that enrollees do drop constantly. We suggest that you monitor the course you want a couple of times a day and enroll when space opens--but that you enroll in an alternate open course in the meantime.
Q: How can I get advised?
Contact the SAM Center for general advising. For advising about programs housed in our department, contact the Administrative Staff in our front office for an appointment.
Q: Why can't I take the lecture and lab portions of the first two semesters of a language separately? Why must I enroll in both a lecture class and a lab for the first two courses of a language (1411 and 1412), even if I'm taking the course on-line?
The courses are four-hour credits each and you must be enrolled in four hours for each. Any student who is not enrolled concurrently in a lecture and a lab will not pass. No exceptions.
Face-to-face classes' student must actually physically attend lab once per week during the enrolled hour.
On-line students must be enrolled but do not necessarily have to actually physically attend the lab, though the work must be completed and will be graded.
Q: What should I do if I believe that my grade is incorrect?
First, email the instructor, politely, with details, for an appointment and more information. Only if that does not resolve the issue, email, do not phone, the Administrative Staff in our department with details and requesting an appointment.
Q: May I take a course audit/no credit?
Yes. First, request permission from the instructor via email. Audit forms must be picked up at the Registrar's office. Make sure to follow all the instructions on that form. The only permission from our department you need to audit the course is from your instructor. You will not receive a grade or credit for auditing a course. Instructions on Auditing a Course