Students: High School

By high school, transition focuses on what you want to do when you graduate from high school. Do you want to continue your education or do you want to start working? Regardless of your choice, do you know what types of support programs are available to you? Do you know what natural supports are available to you? Do you know where you might live? Do you know what types of community activities are available that might match your interests? Are you registered to vote? Are you registered for selective service?

Your maturing self-determination will help you to advocate for your wants and needs and navigate the support services that are available to assist you to meet your goals. When you graduate you are no longer entitled to any services. When you graduate from high school you must apply for support services to determine whether you will qualify. Therefore, you will be expected to be able to tell others about your goals, your strengths and your needs. You must know how to explain your disability, provide current documentation proving that you have a disability, and understand how to request any accommodations you might need. You should learn about the legal protections that are available to people with disabilities. It may seem overwhelming, but developing a circle of support will help ease your transition to your life after high school.

In This Section:

In this section, you will find resources to help you to prepare for your life after high school. The resources examine independent living, education, and employment. Resources include documents, videos, and websites to help you to develop your transition plan, to understand the legal protections that are available to people with disabilities, and to understand the supports that are available to help you to meet your goals.

Tools for High School Students and Their Parents/Guardians