How Do I Get Advised?
What Should I Have Ready for Advisement?
First and foremost, you need to know why you are getting advised:
- Is advisement mandatory? If unsure, click on the Do I Need Advising? link.
- Do you have general questions?
- Would you like academic assistance, but don't know where to go?
Next, you should look at your degree plan in Degree Works and make a tentative schedule for the next semester.
Finally, have your questions written down so you don't forget anything during your meetings.
Set An Appointment - Current Students
Most academic advisors, including those at the SAM Center, require their students to set an appointment.
To learn how, please click on the How To Set An Appointment? link.
If you already know how to set an appointment, click on the Campus Connect link.
If you aren't sure who your advisor/advising team is, click on the Who's My Advisor? link.

Set An Appointment - Prospective/New Students
If you are a new student and already have your Sam ID, then you can set your own appointment, see the Set An Appointment - Current Students section.
If you're a prospective student, please contact the SAM Center (936-294-4444; and be sure to mention the following...
- Name
- Purpose of visit
- Contact information (phone & email)
- Days and times you are available (if emailing, list multiple options).
- Location of appointment (Zoom or Huntsville).
If you are unsure of your status, please contact the Admissions Office.

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