Women's Advisory Committee, Faculty
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All of the committees are listed below in alphabetical order.
- Academic Affairs Council
- Academic Calendar Advisory Committee
- Academic Integrity Committee
- Academic Scholarship Committee
- Athletics Advisory Council
- Campus Sustainability Committee
- Commencement Committee
- Curriculum Committee
- Development Leave Committee, Faculty
- Distance Education Committee
- Distinguished Lecturer Series Committee
- Distinguished Professor Review Committee
- Evaluation Committee, Faculty
- Excellence in Scholarly and Creative Accomplishments Committee, Faculty
- Excellence in Service Committee, Faculty
- Faculty Teaching Awards Committee
- Homecoming Steering Committee
- Honors College Advisory Committee
- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
- Institutional Review Board Committee
- IT/Academic Advisory Committee
- Parking Appeals Committee
- Ring Committee
- Space Management & Utilization Committee
- Staff Excellence Award Committee
- Student Disciplinary Hearing Committee
- Student Services Fee Advisory Committee
- Teaching & Learning Center (TLC) Advisory Committee
- University Assessment Committee
- University Compliance Committee
- University Patent Committee
- Wellness Program Committee
- Women's Advisory Committee, Faculty
- Writing in the Disciplines Committee
Appointed by: Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Reports to: Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Number of Members: 23
Updated: September 1, 2024
Purpose. Provides a forum for communicating more effectively among administrators and faculty about the concerns of the women of the university; studies and develops plans and recommendations for the encouragement and advancement of women.
Member Appointments. The President of the University shall make all appointments from nominations submitted by the University Faculty Senate. The Committee shall consist of the following members: a tenured faculty member from each college and the Newton Gresham Library, a probationary faculty member from each college and the Newton Gresham Library, and three adjunct faculty members. The tenured faculty members shall serve rotating three-year terms ending August 31. The probationary and adjunct faculty members shall serve one-year terms ending August 31 and can be reappointed to the committee. Two nominations for each position shall be presented to the President of the university. All genders are eligible.
Chair Appointment. The President designates the chair.
Committee Members
* Name appears more than once
Chair - Term expires August 31, 2025
*Falguni Mukherjee, College of Science and Engineering Technology
Tenured Faculty Members
Terms Expire August 31, 2025
*Falguni Mukherjee, College of Science and Engineering Technology
Jennifer Didier, College of Health Sciences
Erin Orrick, College of Criminal Justice
Susan Strickland, Newton Gresham Library
Terms Expire August 31, 2026
Victoria Lantz, College of Arts and Media
Terms Expire August 31, 2027
Cynthia Martinez-Garcia, College of Education
Janis Warner, College of Business Administration
Chelsea Ratcliff, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Vinoth Sittaramane, College of Osteopathic Medicine
Probationary Faculty Members
Terms expire August 31, 2025
Judith Clemens-Smucker, College of Arts and Media
Melissa Dawn Gatlin, College of Education
Ashton Mouton, College of Business Administration
Lillie Padilla, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Laura Iesue, College of Criminal Justice
Kaitlin Hopkins, College of Science and Engineering Technology
Daphne Fulton, College of Health Sciences
Rebecca Andrews-Dickert, College of Osteopathic Medicine
Laura McCrary, Newton Gresham Library
Adjunct Faculty Members
Term expires August 31, 2025
Amanda Waites, College of Arts and Media
Tina Valenzuela, College of Education
Bradley Seaberg, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
To Report Errors
All errors in committee listings should be reported in writing to:
Lila Alvarado