Assessment FAQ
General Questions
- What is Anthology Planning?
- What is assessment?
- Who benefits from assessment?
- Who should create the assessment plan?
- What are the deadlines for assessment plan submission?
- Who should I contact if I have additional questions?
Questions About Plan Items
- How is a goal different from an objective?
- What is the difference between a learning objective and a performance objective?
- What is the difference between direct and indirect measures?
- Is it okay if a criterion or target is not met?
- Do I need actions even if all objectives are met?
What is Anthology Planning?
Anthology Planning serves as the online assessment management system utilized by Sam Houston State University. This system helps to track and document the annual assessment processes conducted by the University’s various programs, departments, and offices.
What is assessment?
Assessment is an internally driven process of self-reflection for the purpose of self-improvement. In this process, units identify objectives they wish to accomplish, measure their attainment of those objectives, and use the collected results to develop actions for improvement. This process helps improve the effectiveness of programs and services provided to students and other members of the SHSU community.
Who benefits from assessment?
Everyone benefits from assessment. Students benefit when degree programs, cocurricular activities, and student services are continuously improved. Departments and programs benefit by identifying areas for improvement and taking needed actions. The University benefits by being able to show its internal and external stakeholders that we are serious about ensuring that our students are receiving the best possible educational experience.
Who should create the assessment plan?
The responsibilities of assessment should not be placed on one person alone. Creating assessment plans, gathering data, and developing actions for improvement should be a group effort, with participation of all people involved with the unit. Assessment is always more meaningful when it’s a collaborative effort.
What are the deadlines for assessment plan submission?
The deadlines for the current assessment cycle can be found on the Anthology Planning webpage.
Who should I contact if I have additional questions?
Please email our team at or contact any member of the team using the information on our Contact Us page.
How is a goal different from an objective?
A goal is a broad statement of mission or purpose that serves as a guiding principle of a unit. Goals are not necessarily measurable. An objective is a specific, detailed, measurable statement of the expected knowledge, skills, or abilities gained as a result of receiving instruction or training, or of the expected attainment of non-learning tasks.
What is the difference between a learning objective and a performance objective?
A learning objective articulates the knowledge, skills, or abilities gained or demonstrated as a result of receiving instruction or training. A performance objective describes the desired quality or improvement of services. Although any unit may have both learning objectives and performance objectives, learning objectives are required for degree programs, and performance objectives are required for all other units.
What is the difference between direct and indirect measures?
Direct measures are instruments, processes, or mechanisms used by a unit to determine whether an objective was actually met and provide concrete evidence of the actual level of attainment of an objective. Examples of direct measures include a quiz or test given to a student to measure their actual mastery of a learning objective.
Indirect measures are instruments used to determine whether an objective was perceived to have been met and provide indirect evidence of the level of attainment of an objective. Examples of indirect measures would be satisfaction surveys or student perceptions regarding their mastery of a learning objective.
While direct measures are generally superior to indirect measures, both types are valid and useful when assessing an objective. Units are encouraged to utilize both as part of their assessment plans.
Is it okay if a criterion or target is not met?
Yes, it is okay if a criterion or target is not met. Assessment is about identifying areas for improvement, and not meeting the criterion/target just means that a unit has identified an area in which they should take action.
Do I need actions even if all objectives are met?
Yes. Assessment is a process of reflection for improvement. Even within mature and well-developed assessment plans, it is rare for a unit to meet all objectives and to have nothing that can be improved. Even when an objective is met, units may find a reason for action after analyzing assessment results.