Distinguished Alumni
Audrey Guerrant
Awarded 1976

1976 Distinguished Alumni
October ’76 The Alumnus Magazine.
Unlimited services devoted to others-to her family, to her community, and to the institution which now honors her characterize the life of Audrey Bay Guerrant, a 1976 Distinguished Alumnus of Sam Houston State University.
The youngest of the five daughters of James E. and Annie Gilmore Bay was born on January 22, 1917, in Grimes County near Richards, Texas, at the small community of Bay's Chapel, named in honor of her forebears. The family moved to the nearby West Sandy Community a few years later, where Audrey began her elementary education. By her fourth year in school, however, the Bays had moved again-this time to Huntsville, where Audrey was graduated from high school in 1934, a few months after her marriage to a young local businessman, Clifford Guerrant.
The bride began attending Sam Houston State Teachers College immediately, completing the one and a half years of study required at that time for a temporary teaching certificate. She accepted a position and became the last teacher of the Liberty Springs School located in the western part of the county, instructing thirty students in seven grades during her third and final year in this assignment. The facility was then consolidated with another Walker County school, and Mrs. Guerrant returned to Sam Houston, earning the Bachelor of Science Degree in 1940.
After her graduation, Mrs. Guerrant was employed as secretary in the Huntsville office of the Crockett Production Credit Association until the birth of her daughter, Francis Anne, in 1942. The following year Mr. Guerrant established a local grocery business, and Mrs. Guerrant assisted in its operation until a few years ago. Now widowed, Mrs. Guerrant continues to maintain her home in Huntsville.
Throughout these busy years as one of Huntsville's best loved and most respected business women, Mrs. Guerrant managed to complete her Master of Education Degree while devoting countless hours to community services of every description. Beginning in the late 1940's, she became treasurer of the Walker County Chapter of the March of Dimes, a position she held until 1975. For ten years she served the Huntsville Girl Scouts as a troop leader and as a member of the city council of the Scout movement.
Following her 1950-51 term as president of the Huntsville Parent-Teacher Association, Mrs. Guerrant became active in higher levels of the Texas Congress of Parents and Teachers, filling district offices and chairmanships for many years. This outstanding service resulted in a Texas Honorary Life Membership presented by the district, and a National Honorary Life Membership presented by the Huntsville PTA.
In 1950 Mrs. Guerrant became Welfare Chairman of the Walker County Service Unit of the Salvation Army, and in 1957 she was made a member of the Walker County School Board. She continues to hold both positions today.
In addition, she has participated in the local United Fund organization, served as a director of the Huntsville-Walker County Chamber of Commerce, and acted as a member of the Huntsville Independent School Districts Advisory Committee for Vocational Education. For ten years she has been a member of the Huntsville Garden Club, serving previously as an officer and currently on the City Beautification Committee. She is a former member of the Huntsville Memorial Hospital Auxiliary and the Huntsville Business and Professional Women's Club.
The First United Methodist Church of Huntsville has received the benefit of Mrs. Guerrants assistance for more than forty years. She has been a Sunday School teacher and at present Chairman of the Commission on Missions, a capacity she fills while serving her second term as a member of the administrative board of the church. Also a long-time member and officer of the United Methodist Women, she is now Chairman of Christian Social Relations and has recently been elected district treasurer of the organization.
Services to Sam Houston State University and its faculty, students, and alumni have received the careful and devoted attention of Mrs. Guerrant for many years. She has served continuously as secretary of the Alumni Association since 1955 and is the group's traditional chairman of Homecoming activities, a job she plans and organizes in detail each year. Through the years she has filled many other assignments, including the chairmanship of the committee responsible for summer picnics honoring graduating seniors when this custom was in effect a few years ago.
Clifford and Audrey Guerrant were active subscribers of the Greater Sam Houston Fund, and their country home was frequently used as a recreation center for student groups.
A donkey which was domiciled at the Guerrant farm often provided financial support for one of the college fraternities. The animal was installed on the campus, and students were permitted to try to ride him for a dollar fee. The fraternity offered to pay five dollars to any student who could stay aboard, but the payment was never necessary-nobody could ride the donkey whose looks were deceptively complacent, but whose disposition was decidedly poor!
On numerous occasions the Guerrants provided temporary quarters in their home for students who were unable to secure college housing, and student employees were always used in their farm. Another service provided to students of Sam Houston State University came in the form of credit for grocery purchases extended by the Guerrants in their business. Mrs. Guerrant tells with pride of the good rate of repayment of these needy students, stating that not more than three reneged on their debts in the many years that this practice was in force.
A unique and personal service was performed by Mrs. Guerrant when she prepared baskets of fruit for the motel rooms of visiting dignitaries during the ceremonies attendant to the inaugurations of Dr. Arleigh Templeton and Dr. Elliott T. Bowers.
When there is time for recreation, Mrs. Guerrant enjoys fishing and all spectator sports, but her real hobby is caring for her two grandchildren, twelve-year-old Mike and eight-year-old Mark, the sons of Francis Anne and her husband, Don Adams, who also make their home in Huntsville.
Audrey Bay Guerrant has led a distinguished life in every way. Her Christian values, her loving words and kind thoughts for all around her, and her devoted service to others are truly exceptional. She richly merits the accolade, Distinguished Alumnus of Sam Houston State University.