Distinguished Alumni
Allen R. Hightower
Awarded 1993

The Honorable Allen R. Hightower, Jr., Texas State Representative, District 18, received his Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice from Sam Houston State in 1978. He graduated from Livingston High School and attended Baylor University from 1964 to 1967. For the next two years he attended Texas Game Warden Academy at Texas A&M University and became a State Game Warden from February, 1968 to March, 1979. He then became a Probation Officer with the 12th Judicial Probation Department and held that position until May, 1982. Later that year he was elected Representative to the Texas House of Representatives and was sworn in January, 1983, and remains in government.
Hightower has served on numerous committees and councils including the agriculture and Wildlife Management Committee; Criminal Justice Policy Council; Legislative Criminal Justice Board; and he has served as Chair of the House Corrections Committee and Co-Chair of the Texas Punishment Standards Commission. He has also been a member of the following interim committees: National Conference of State Legislatures Task Force on State-Tribal Relations and the alcohol and Substance Abuse Services Oversight Committee.
He has received many honors for his service to his constituents. In 1989 he received the Legislative Crimefighter Award by the Dallas Crime Commission, the Black Caucus Award, the Outstanding Legislator Award by the Texas Chamber of Commerce and the President's Award from the Texas Correction Association. In 1990 he received the John Traeger House Member of the Year Award from the Texas State Employees; in 1992 the Mr. East Texas A ward; and in 1993 he was ranked in Texas Monthly's Top 10 Legislators of the Year.
Hightower is a true supporter of his alma mater, supporting the administration and students by working to increase funding appropriations and is a strong proponent of SHSU's Criminal Justice Center.
He is married to the former Debra Arneson and they have three children: Allen, III, Odessa; Pam, Livingston; and Patty, Huntsville.