Distinguished Alumni
Frank P. Leathers
Awarded 1997

Leathers also lives in Huntsville, although he spends much of his time at his Leon County ranch. He retired as vice president for facilities and operations at Sam Houston State in 1987. He was awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received in the Battle of the Bulge in World War II, earned his Ph.D. from the University of Texas, worked in industry, and was a teacher and administrator for 37 years in Texas public schools before coming to SHSU in 1969. In addition to supervising the expenditure of approximately $50 million in construction and land purchases for SHSU, Leathers organized and served as president of the Stephen F. Austin Area School Study Council, and has been a leader in the United Methodist Texas Conference and First Methodist Church of Huntsville. He has served as a Jurisdictional Conference Delegate and as a member of the National Board of Higher Education and Ministry. Other memberships include the Texas Association of School Administrators, Texas State Teachers Association, and Texas Association of Senior College Business Officials, an organization which he served as president in 1976. Leathers' many honors and awards include selection to Who's Who in American Education, Texas Educator of the Month, Outstanding Young Man of the South, Lufkin Booster of the Month, Honorary Life Membership by the Texas Congress of Parents and Teachers, membership in the Phi Delta Kappa educational fraternity, and receipt of honorary Chapter Farmer Degrees by FFA chapters in Alvin and Lufkin. During his 18 years at SHSU he supervised the planning and construction of nine major buildings and the renovation and demolition of several others. His special pride is the Johnson Coliseum. Early in his work at SHSU he gave leadership to developing more reliable air conditioning and fresh water supply systems and placing electrical lines underground. Leathers and his wife, Lyndall, have three children and three grandchildren. She earned her master's degree from SHSU in 1953.
As profiled at the 1997 Distinguished Alumni Banquet