Distinguished Alumni
George Miles
Awarded 2010

A leader within his community as well as the university, George Miles has been “a great advocate of Sam Houston” who “has served diligently to do his part to enhance Huntsville and the university.”
The 1961 SHSU graduate, who also attended the Southwestern Graduate Banking School at Southern Methodist University, spent his career in the banking industry, retiring as executive vice president for First National Bank of Huntsville after 22 years before returning to serve as marketing coordinator on a part-time basis.
Miles’s work within the SHSU and Huntsville communities is vast, serving in leadership positions on committees and helping organize fundraisers for both, leading to his being selected as Huntsville’s “Citizen of the Year” in 2007 and as a recipient of the SHSU Alumni Association Service Award in 2008.
“George loves Sam Houston State University,” one nomination letter said. “He truly has demonstrated ‘Service Above Self’ for the university and many community organizations and causes. He represents the university proudly wherever he goes.”
In addition to serving as chairman of the board for the Huntsville-Walker County Chamber of Commerce, Miles also currently serves as chairman of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences Advisory Board, as a member of SHSU’s President’s Circle, the Executive Leadership Council and the Mass Communication Advisory Board.
As president of the SHSU Alumni Association in 2006, he was directly involved in the origination of the Alumni Garden, the designation of the “Presidents Tree,” the completion of the Bell Tower, the restoration of the Old Main pipe organ and its installation in the Peabody Library and the initial establishment of the alumni clubs that have resulted in increased participation.
He also initiated the creation of an alumni committee to organize the movement to prevent any possible name change for the university. That committee's work continued in the following year with the wholehearted support of Miles's successor, Col. John McManners, and was ultimately successful.
“During a time of significant growth and change, George was exactly the right person to serve as alumni president,” another letter said. “He brought a firm hand to the leadership of the association, together with a proactive commitment to working closely and cooperatively with university advancement in support of Sam Houston State.
“The university and alumni owe a great debt of gratitude to all alumni leaders, and especially to George, for our outstanding alumni program.”