Distinguished Alumni
Stan Blinka
Awarded 2015

As an SHSU football linebacker, he defended Bearkat territory on Pritchett Field.
And though Stan Blinka left the football and track fields in 1979 for the field of Shea Stadium in New York, his legacy can still be found at Bowers Stadium, where he continues to “defend” his athletic records.
More than three decades after earning his Bachelor of Business Administration degree and his Master of Business Administration degree (1979 and 1984, respectively), Blinka still holds the Bearkat career records for the for most tackles in a game (24), season (211) and career (536). He is also the former school record holder in the discus.
The 1976-78 NAIA All-American in football and 1979 NAIA All-American in track was drafted by the New York Jets in 1979 and was the starting middle linebacker, leading the team in tackles for two years. He finished his football career with the Denver Gold in the USFL in 1985.
“Stan is truly an ambassador for Sam Houston,” said one nominator. He is respected by all who deal with him, and he contributes to many of SHSU’s causes.”
Blinka now divides his time between his homes in Irwin, Pennsylvania, and Huntsville and frequently attends SHSU events. He is the owner of Interstate Batteries of Pittsburgh.
Blinka and his wife, Katherine Steele Blinka, a 1977 SHSU graduate, established the Blinka Family Scholarship, presented annually to the outstanding football scholar-athlete.
In the early 2000s, his son Clinton, following in his father’s footsteps, lettered in track at SHSU. Clinton earned his bachelor’s degree in 2005 and his master’s degree in 2008.
“His activities have surely brought recognition on a national level to his alma mater,” another nominator said. “Stan has always been proud to be a Bearkat and has continued to support Sam both monetarily and through his service to the university.”
“Stan is, and always has been, a true Bearkat,” another nominator said.