Alumni Awards

Outstanding Young Alumni

William T. Metcalf

Awarded 2019

William Metcalf

Growing up as a sixth-generation citizen of Montgomery County, Will Metcalf learned the value of hard work, integrity and Christian principles from his family and the community. In turn, he has devoted his career to bettering the community that helped raise him, presently serving as the state representative from Texas House District 16.

From 2015 to 2017, Will was the youngest State Representative during the 84th Legislature. A strong advocate for conservative reforms and Second Amendment rights, he has fought tirelessly against increased property taxes and excessive regulations on small businesses. He has served on several House committees during his three terms as State Representative, including Homeland Security and Public Safety, Economic and Small Business Development, Redistricting, and chair of the Small Business subcommittee. Will currently serves as vice chair of the committee on Natural Resources, and is a member of the committees on Calendars and International Relations and Economic Development. Most recently, House Speaker Dennis Bonnen appointed Will to serve as a member of the Energy Council.

For his work, he has been named a “Fighter for Free Enterprise” by the Texas Association of Business, a “Courageous Conservative” by the Texas Conservative Coalition, a “Pro-Property Rights Champion” by Texans United for Reform and Freedom, a “Texas Gold Star Representative” from Texas Right to Life, and a “Faith and Family Champion” from Texas Values.

In addition to his contributions to the public sector, Will has also built a career in the private sector as an accomplished business leader, helping Montgomery County families and small businesses achieve their financial goals. Since 2014, he has served as vice president and director of business development for the Spirit of Texas Bank.

A second-generation Bearkat, Will earned his Bachelor of Science degree in criminal justice. As a Life Member of the SHSU Alumni Association, he has remained connected to his alma mater in many ways including serving as a commencement speaker, supporting SHSU’s Austin internship program and participating in campus panel discussions and advisory boards.

Will and his family attend Fellowship of Montgomery Church where he serves as a greeter and usher. He is also proudly affiliated with the Montgomery Independent School District Education Foundation as a board member and treasurer, as well as the Montgomery County Fair Association Advisory Board and the Conroe Noon Lions Club.

Will and his wife Megan share a love of faith, family and freedom and are the proud parents of twin daughters, Elizabeth and Amelia. Becoming a father has furthered Will’s commitment to building a better Montgomery County and a better Texas for future generations.


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