He received a master of education degree from Texas A&M in educational psychology in 1969 and became a certified public accountant in 1977. A native of Houston, Parker was selected as a Rotary International Fellow for study at the University of Birmingham, England, in 1965. Prior to coming to work at Sam Houston State in 1967 as associate director of admissions, he was a staff accountant and personnel representative for Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. in Houston and New York City. Parker has served at Sam Houston State as business manager, comptroller, vice president for finance, and since 1987, vice president for finance and operations. He is a member of the president's cabinet and served as administrative liaison with the SHSU Alumni Association from 1987-93. Since 1984 he has been a member of the executive committee of the Texas Association of State Senior College and University Business Officers, serving as president in that organization in 1987. His other activities include serving as director of the Huntsville Memorial Hospital, membership in East Texas, Texas, and National Brangus Breeders associations, serving as director and chairman of the board of the Lake Area National Bank in Trinity, and membership in the Texas Society of CPAs and American Institute of CPAs.
As profiled at October 13, 1995 Distinguished Alumni Banquet