Department of Justice (DOJ) Funding

Department of Justice Funding

TheNational Institutes of Justice (NIJ) The Department of Justice (DOJ) offers grant opportunities through various agencies, creating avenues for faculty researchers to contribute to criminal justice advancements. Key agencies within the DOJ providing grant funding include the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), and the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC).

These grant programs aim to support research addressing critical issues in criminal justice, law enforcement, and public safety. Faculty researchers can explore funding opportunities that focus on crime prevention, forensic science, criminal justice policy, and the improvement of practices within the criminal justice system.

The agencies prioritize projects with practical applications, encouraging the development of evidence-based practices that contribute to the enhancement of public safety and the overall effectiveness of the criminal justice system. Researchers can find valuable resources, examples from successful projects, and information on application guidelines below in the accordions.

First, you will find a recommended timeline for your proposal development. You should anticipate approximately 12 documents required for your submission, depending on what your project scope is and which, if any, additional documents you may be required to submit. Funding opportunities have already opened for this cycle and have various due dates through the end of May

Our team has curated the following resources page for use in research and proposal development To get started, please submit ORSP’s Pre-Proposal Notification Form (PPN).

General Information

  • Recommended Timeline for Proposal Development and Submission

    Week 1

    Week 2

    • Receive ORSP Submissions Team member email 
    • Schedule ORSP meeting to discuss project and budget  
    • Identify any “if applicable” documents are required for submission 
    • Begin Budget

    Week 3 

    • Begin Abstract 
    • Begin Narrative 
    • Contact collaborators (if applicable) 
    • Contact Key Personnel 
    • Complete List of Individuals in the Application 

      Week 4 

      • Secure collaborator Letters of Support (if applicable) 
      • Secure Vitae/Resume for Key Personnel 
      • Secure Letters of Support from Key Personnel 
      • Begin identified “if applicable” documents:
      • Re-submit response,
      • Multiple PI Plan,
      • Consortium/contractual Arrangements,
      • Performance Report,
      • Mentorship Plan,
      • Non-competitive Contracts, etc. 

        Week 5  

        • Complete Research and Evaluation Independence and Integrity Form 
        • Complete Environmental/NEPA Form 
        • Complete Applicant Disclosure of Duplication Form 
        • Complete Privacy Certificate

        Week 6  

        • Finalize Budget with ORSP 
        • Begin Budget Justification
        • Complete List of Previous and Current NIJ Awards

          Week 7 

          • Complete Timeline 
          • Complete Bibliography 
          • Complete Data Archiving Plan 

          Week 8 

          • Complete any remaining “if applicable” documents 

          Week 9 

          • Finalize Abstract 
          • Finalize Narrative 
          • Finalize Budget Justification 

          Week 10 

          • Submit all documents to ORSP
          • Due two weeks prior to proposal due date to allow for review and time for routing
          • Provide ORSP with Key Words and Areas Affected information to submit to 

              Week 11 

              • ORSP submits to 

              Week 12  

              • ORSP submits to Just Grants 
            • Formatting & Preparation

              Proposers are encouraged to review and adhere to the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) OJP Grant Application Resource Guide, Applicant Resources, and other provided resources. Please reference the Fiscal Year 2024 DOJ Program Plan here for all current, upcoming, and past funding opportunities with their resources. 

            • Funded Examples

              Our team has received permission for the following SHSU proposals to share components of, in the hopes that they will serve as tools for reference when crafting your own proposal's design. 

              • NIJ - Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes (2021) 
                PI: Patrick Buzzini 
                Title: Data fusion from infrared, elemental, MSP and Raman analysis techniques to the maximization of the efficiency of the analytical sequence for the forensic examination of paint evidence 
              • NIJ - Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice (2019) 
                PI: Sibyl Bucheli; Co-PI: Aaron Lynne 
                Title: Human Decomposition: Effects of Indoor versus Outdoor Decomposition on the Microbiome of Human Cadavers and Implications for Future Forensic Research 
              • NIJ - Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice (2017) 
                PI: Madeline Swortwood 
                Title: Prevalence of Novel Psychoactive Substances in Oral Fluid 
            • Eligibility

              TBD - if needed

            • Budget & Budget Justification

              Office of Justice Programs (OJP)'s Budget Requirements.

            • Abstract

              The Proposal Abstract should be written in 400 words or less, in plain language, avoiding acronyms, and include: 

              • purpose of the proposed project; 
              • project activities to be performed; 
              • expected outcomes, deliverables, or milestones of the proposed project; 
              • service area; 
              • intended beneficiary(ies) of the proposed project; and 
              • subrecipient activities (if known, list entities and project activities). 

              The abstract should be in paragraph form without bullets or tables, written in the third person, and exclude personally identifiable information. 

              Example Proposal Abstract Template 

              The [insert entity name] proposes to implement the [insert project name]. The purpose is to _____________ in the [insert service area]. Project activities include_________________. Expected outcomes include: ________________. _______________are the intended beneficiaries of the project. Subrecipient activities include _________________.  


              Example Proposal Abstract 

              The ABC County proposes to implement the ABC County Second Chance Community-Based Adult Reentry Program. The purpose is to develop a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary, trauma-informed and best practices community-based reentry program for individuals incarcerated in ABC County jail. Project activities include establishing a Reentry Advisory Board; implementing evidence-based risk and need screening and assessments tools; developing and implementing a Multi-Disciplinary Reentry Collaborative Case Management and Coordination Team and designating community-based, peer-run and faith-based organizations to provide post-release care coordination. Expected outcomes include the development of a multi-disciplinary team to address the reentry needs of individuals exiting the ABC County jail; provision of evidence-based services; reduction in recidivism in ABC County; and regular program assessments. Subrecipient activities include vocational skills training, job preparation, career exploration and planning, and skill-building services, including apprenticeships and occupational training. 

            • Narrative

              The proposal narrative generally consists of the application goals, objectives, deliverables, and timeline. It should describe the detailed strategy, activities, resources, and implementation of the project and consist of the following sections: 

              • Description of the Issue (or Statement of the Problem) 
              • Project Design and Implementation 
              • Capabilities and Competencies 
              • Plan for Collecting the Data Required for Performance Measures 

              An applicant should follow the specific instructions and requirements outlined in the solicitation to complete each section of the program narrative. 

            • List of Individuals in the Application

              To assist in assessing actual or apparent conflicts of interest (including such conflicts on the part of prospective reviewers of the application), provide a complete list of the individuals named or otherwise identified anywhere in the application (including in the budget or in any other attachment) who will or may work (or advise or consult) on the proposed research, development, or evaluation project. Applicants should use the “Proposed Project Staff, Affiliation, and Roles” form.

            • Collaborators

              TBD - if needed

            • Key Personnel

              TBD - if needed

            • Letters of Support

              TBD - if needed

            • Required Forms
            • Timeline

              The samples below are provided by the OJJP. Applicants should review the sample most appropriate to the solicitation they are applying under, i.e., program, research, or evaluation. Timelines submitted by applicants should be specific to their proposals, and the samples should serve simply as guides to the format, etc. 

              • Sample Program Timeline Word and PDF 
              • Sample Research Timeline Word and PDF 
              • Sample Evaluation Timeline Word and PDF 
            • Data Archiving Plan

              NIJ requires grant applicants to submit a Data Archiving Plan with their application that describes how study data will be documented, managed, and prepared for archiving, and where the data will be archived at project completion. The plan should not exceed two pages in length and should describe the: 

              • Types of data expected to be produced, including any associated metadata and data standards to be used. 
              • Proposed management of data during the project, including data security and integrity. 
              • Plans to prepare all files and documentation necessary for others to use for secondary analysis and/or to review and reproduce the project’s findings after the project’s completion. 
              • Location where pertinent data files and documentation will be archived. 

              All plans must be consistent with OJP confidentiality and privacy requirements. See Confidentiality and Privacy Protections.

            • Additional Documents

              NIJ request that applicants provide a list of all project staff members, contractors, consultants, and advisory board members, including their professional affiliation, and role in the proposed research project. This form will be used to determine potential conflicts of interest for NIJ-invited peer reviewers.