Consumer Law
- Better Business Bureau: To read a business review or file a complaint against a business
- Consumer Complaint Process: Feel a business has taken advantage of you? The Texas Attorney General outlines their complaint process.
- Federal Trade Commission: For information on identity theft, fraud and being a savvy consumer
- Internet Crime Complaint Center: If it seemed too good to be true and you invested with no return, it may have been a crime. Report it here.
- Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act: Read the law that provides some of the greatest remedies for Texas consumers
- Texas Law Help for Consumers: A wealth of additional resources on Texas Consumer Law
Criminal Law
- Alcohol Related
- Texas Penal Code: on alcohol offenses
- Alcohol Beverage Code: provisions related to age
- Police and other reports
- Open Records Requests: Texas Attorney General
- City of Huntsville: Police Department Records
- Walker County Fair Defense Act: Process for obtaining a court appointed attorney (for felonies and possibly for misdemeanors with potential jail sentence)
- Expunction: Information on the potential of clearing your record.
- Employment Discrimination: U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Employee Rights and Laws for Texans: Texas Workforce Commission
- Employment Law Guide: U.S. Department of Labor
Family Law
- Child Support: Apply for paternity or child support through the Texas Attorney General
- Divorce
- Domestic or Dating Violence
- SAAFE House: Emergency Shelter in Walker County
- Protective Order Kit: step by step instruction from the Texas Attorney General for requesting a Protective Orders
- Personal Safety Plan: Victims are at the greatest risk of danger when they leave. Use forms like this to plan ahead.
- Additional Resources:
- Know your rights as a tenant in Texas
- Landlord & Tenant Guide: from The Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University
- Tenant’s Rights: per the Texas Attorney General
- Texas Apartment Association: renter resources
- Texas Tenant Advisor: discussing topics ranging from application to utilities
- The People’s Lawyer: answers to common tenant questions
- Texas Property Code: Section on Residential Tenancies
- Texas Department of Safety: traffic/motorist related laws
- Plea options: Walker County Justice of the Peace outlines
- Defensive Driving: When is it an option?