Sexual Assault Awareness Month
During the month of April, the Office of Title IX & Discrimination Resolution and partners aim to educate, share resources, and to raise awareness about sexual violence by planning and hosting events for students, faculty and staff of SHSU.
This year's campaign is "Silence is NOT Golden. Be an Active Bystander." An Active Bystander refers to someone who witnesses a potentially harmful or inappropriate situation, such as sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence or stalking, and takes action to prevent or intervene in the situation.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) 2025 - Schedule of Events
Events hosted on campus are free and open to all faculty, staff and students at Sam Houston State University. Details are provided for each event description. We look forward to seeing you!
April 1-30
Online - @SHSUSAAM2025
SAAM Social Media Kickoff
The 30 days of SAAM social media campaign engages the campus community with daily action prompts to promote awareness and prevention of sexual assault. We will randomly select social media participants throughout the month to receive the commemorative SHSU SAAM 2025 t-shirt. The participants will be announced via social media and posted to @SHSUSAAM2025. The Campaign will run from April 1st - April 30th.
Sponsored by: Office of Title IX & Discrimination Resolution
April 1-30
Newton Gresham Library
SAAM Read & Grow
Books can change your life! Stop by the display at the Newton Gresham Library highlighting books on trauma, resilience, and recovery. Free bookmarks will be available.
Sponsored by: Newton Gresham Library & Office of Title IX & Discrimination Resolution
April 1
Frank Parker Plaza
SAAM Kickoff & Teal Ribbon Giveaway
Come join the Sexual Assault Awareness Month kick-off event with the purpose of creating awareness for sexual assault prevention at SHSU. Come get a free teal ribbon to show your support and a chance to get free prizes for SAAM.
Sponsored by: Office of Title IX & Discrimination Resolution
April 2
Health Hut in the Frank Parker Plaza
Consent Chats for Kats
Peer Health Ambassadors host a Health Hut facilitating a game using the acronym F.R.I.E.S. to chat with their peers about consent.
Sponsored by: SHSU Peer Health Ambassadors & Student Wellness
April 2
Bearkat Softball Complex
"Steal for Teal" Softball Game
Annual SHSU women's softball game to show support for Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Come cheer on the softball team and show your support for sexual assault prevention at SHSU.
Sponsored by: SHSU Athletics
April 3
12:00pm - 2:00pm
LSC Room 241
Consent + F.R.I.E.S.
F.R.I.E.S. is a national program discussing and educating on consent. Join the Counseling Center to learn more about F.R.I.E.S. and enjoy free french fries!
F.R.I.E.S. = Freely Given | Reversible | Informed | Enthusiastic | Specific
Sponsored by: SHSU Counseling Center
April 8
11:30am - 1:00pm
General’s Market
"Is This O-Queso? Let's Taco 'Bout It" – Taco Tuesday
Come grab a taco and some teal desserts at General's Market. We can "taco 'bout" consent, which is an important part of any healthy relationship and find out "Is this O-Queso?"
Sponsored by: Office of Title IX & Discrimination Resolution & Aramark
April 8
LSC 320
Take Back the Night
"Take Back the Night" promotes awareness and honors survivors of sexual assault and sexual violence on campus and in the Huntsville community. Rally, march & speak out. Refreshments provided.
Sponsored by: Dr. Kathleen Ratajczak’s Violence Against Women Class, SHSU Department of Victim Studies & Office of Title IX & Discrimination Resolution
April 9
2:30pm - 3:30pm
LSC 230
Staff Senate Hot Topic - Title IX: Myth Vs. Fact
Event for SHSU Staff & Faculty
Join SHSU’s Title IX Coordinator, Natalie Isaac, as she leads an interactive training for mandatory reporters on myths and facts about Title IX.
Sponsored by: Staff Senate & Office of Title IX & Discrimination Resolution
April 15
Don Sanders Stadium
"Steal for Teal" Baseball Game
Annual SHSU men's baseball game to show support for Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Come cheer on the baseball team and show your support for sexual assault prevention at SHSU.
Sponsored by: SHSU Athletics
April 18
5:30am - 7:00am
SHSU Campus
SAAM ROTC Ruck March
In support of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), the Bearkat Battalion loads up and marches 4 miles with donation items to be donated to the local Huntsville Sexual Assault and Abuse Free Environment House (SAAFE) near campus. During the ruck, all attendees are encouraged to consider their roles as future leaders and how they might impact future lives through their advocacy and support of preventing sexual misconduct.
Sponsored by: SHSU Military Science Department
April 22
9:00am - 12:00pm
Criminal Justice Center Flag Room
Painting with a Purpose
The SHSU CJ Department of Victim Studies invites you to join them for "Painting with a Purpose." The event provides an opportunity for SHSU CJ students, faculty, staff along with members of our community to gather to create art. Participants are welcome to keep their paintings or donate them to a fundraiser which benefits local survivors. All supplies will be provided!
Sponsored by: SHSU Department of Victim Studies
April 22 - 24
11:00am - 1:00pm
Frank Parker Plaza
Denim Day Stories & Activity
"Denim Day" is a call to action for the campus community to participate and come together by sharing and wearing denim as a visible sign of support against sexual assault. Come out and participate in the workshop with CVSA to advocate for Sexual Assault Awareness Month by writing statements on denim.
Sponsored by: Crime Victim Services Alliance (CVSA)
April 22
11:30am - 1:00pm
General’s Market
"Is This O-Queso? Let's Taco 'Bout It" - Taco Tuesday
Come grab a taco and some teal desserts at General's Market. We can "taco 'bout" consent, which is an important part of any healthy relationship and find out "Is this O-Queso?"
Sponsored by: Office of Title IX & Discrimination Resolution & Aramark
April 29
2:30pm - 3:30pm
LSC 230A
The Power of Speaking Up Panel: Silence is NOT Golden
Join us for a powerful discussion on the importance of bystander intervention and breaking the silence surrounding sexual violence. Panel members will share their insights on practical ways to intervene safely, offer support, and contribute to a safer, more informed community.
Sponsored by: Student Government Association & The Office of Title IX & Discrimination Resolution
April 29
5:30pm - 6:30pm
LSC 117
Fraternity & Sorority Life Title IX Training
Join us for a presentation for SHSU fraternities and sororities on the fundamentals of Title IX and consent. We will also cover rights, responsibilities, and resources available to students.
Sponsored by: Office of Title IX & Discrimination Resolution
April 30
Clock Tower
"National Denim Day" Group Photo
Wear denim or your SAAM t-shirt to support sexual assault awareness.
"Denim Day" is a call to action for everyone to come together by wearing denim as a visible sign of support against sexual assault. All campus community members are encouraged to participate in the group photo.
Sponsored by: Office of Title IX & Discrimination Resolution
Free Stuff
Enjoy free shirts, prizes and resources by attending events and following us on social media!
Participate in #30DAYSOFSAAM social media campaign.
Like, repost and share posts by @SHSUSAAM2025 all month long for a chance to win free prizes!
Campus Resources
- Online Sexual Assault Reporting Form - If you or someone you know has been subjected to sexual assault, sexual violence, or any other form of gender-discrimination, you may report such misconduct with the Office of Title IX & Discrimination Resolution.
- SHSU Complainant & Respondent Rights - Learn more about your rights concerning sexual misconduct at SHSU.
- SHSU Support Services - Learn more about available resources such as counseling, medical, mental health, law enforcement, or services for victims/respondents, both on campus and in the community.
- Seek Treatment and/or a Forensic Examination - An exam to document physical condition to provide treatment and collect evidence in response to sexual assault.
National Resources
- What Consent Looks Like - The laws vary by state and situation, but you don’t have to be a legal expert to understand how consent plays out in real life.
- How to Respond if Someone Is Pressuring You - If someone is pressuring you to engage in sexual activity, it is important to remember that being in this situation is not your fault. Here are some strategies to try.
- Safety Planning - Discover ways to stay safe may help reduce the risk of future harm.
- Alcohol Safety - There are steps you can take to increase your safety in situations where drinking may be involved. Like any safety tips, they are not a guarantee, but they may help you feel more secure in social situations.
- Let's Talk About... - Check out RAINN's comics on consent, safe dating tips for teens, talking with young children about sexual assault, and talking with college students about stay safe on campus.
Source RAINN:
Sponsors & Partners
The mission of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) is to facilitate and support a collaborative, experiential approach to the prevention of and response to sexual violence at Sam Houston State University. Programs and events sponsored by these partners seek to prevent domestic and sexual violence by advocating for bystander intervention, fostering understanding of sexual misconduct and providing relevant information and resources to empower victims and survivors of sexual assault and/or rape.
2025 SAAM Sponsors & Partners
- Aramark
- Athletics
- Counseling Center
- Crime Victim Services Alliance
- Department of Victim Studies
- First Year Experience
- Legal & Mediation Services
- Military Science Department
- Newton Gresham Library
- Peer Health Ambassadors/Health Center
- Staff Senate
- Student Government Association
- University Hotel
2025 Community Partners
- Montgomery County Women’s Center
- SAAFE House
Contact Us
For feedback, partnership or to volunteer, contact the Office of Title IX & Discrimination Resolution.
Thomason Building, Suite 302
Tel: 936-294-3080