The SHSU Strategic Planning process was restarted in September 2021 by creating a cross-institutional Strategic Plan Steering Committee, including faculty, staff, students, alumni, and community members. Their charge was to conduct an environmental scan, focus groups, and surveys to inform a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis looking out ten years to 2031. This work was completed in January 2022 and submitted for Cabinet review in February 2022, resulting in the university's restated Strategic Framework proposal. The Texas State University System Board of Regents approved the restated framework (Mission, Values, Vision, and Strategic Priorities) in May 2022.
Work stopped between June and the end of August 2022 to ensure we had the density of stakeholders (faculty, staff, students, alumni, and community members) needed to build informed goals, objectives, and key performance indicators. During the work, we identified 20 goals, objectives, and key performance indicators. Each Goal Task Force Team was comprised of approximately 9 to 15 stakeholders, including students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members. Their efforts were consolidated into a strategic plan and submitted to stakeholder leadership organizations (Student Government, Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, Alumni Board, Association of Directors, and President's Circle) for comment and input on lead goals to provide focus for university efforts going into fiscal year 2024. The draft plan was then submitted to Cabinet for input and placed in its final configuration for submission to the Texas State University System Board of Regents for consideration and approval, which was granted May 2023.