Today@Sam Article

French Week To Celebrate Culture

Oct. 26, 2015
SHSU Media Contact: Tammy Parrett

French cultureThe Sam Houston State University French Club will present five nights of activities designed to increase French culture awareness across campus for National French Week beginning Wednesday (Nov. 4).

That day, activities will begin with the 10th annual French Poetry Reading Contest at 5 p.m. in Academic Building IV’s Olson Auditorium. Students participating in the contest may read a classic French poem or one of their own creation, according to French Club president Allyson Portillo.

On Thursday (Nov. 5) the group will offer an array of French cuisine for a sampling at 6:30 p.m. in the Criminal Justice Center’s CJava Café.

“At the food tasting, we will have a small variety of French fare, including baguettes, cheeses, couscous, roast chicken, and crème brulee,” said Portillo.

Prior to the food tasting, the Eta Iota chapter of the French honor society, Pi Delta Phi, will induct and recognize eight students for excellence in French at 5:30 p.m. in the Criminal Justice Center’s Bluebonnet Room.

The French film “Un prophète”–the story of a young Arab man is sent to a French prison where he becomes a mafia kingpin, will be presented on Friday (Nov. 6) at 3:30 p.m. in Academic Building IV Room 303–followed by a presentation of the film “Amour” on Nov. 9 at the same time and location.

“Amour” tells the story of an octogenarian couple, Georges and Anne, whose love is put to the test when Anne has a stroke, leaving her husband to care for her.

“Both movies will be shown with English subtitles, so even students who haven’t studied French can enjoy them,” said Portillo. 

The week’s events will conclude on Nov. 10 with French Game Night, where participants can play popular games such as Scrabble, Go Fish and Twister–all in French–at 3:30 p.m. in Academic Building IV Room 303.

“In the 10 years that we’ve hosted this event on campus, we’ve seen a continued interest in Francophone culture,” said Shirin Edwin, associate professor of French. “I believe it’s important to promote any international culture on campus, not just Francophone culture. We must strive to bring other cultures to campus simply because we educate students about the diverse world, its languages and ways.

“With these events each year, we tell students that there are people out there that think, speak and live differently. And it is a great compliment to our students that they show up in great numbers to explore this culture each year with renewed enthusiasm.”

All events are free and open to the public.

For more information on National French Week, contact Portillo at

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