Today@Sam Article

Week To Help Students Navigate Common Financial Hurdles

Feb. 12, 2016
SHSU Media Contact: Chris Young

Attending college can present a huge financial burden for some students, but that does not mean students have to be broke all of the time.

To prevent students from making poor financial decisions that have the potential to haunt them for years to come, the Student Money Management Center will steer students through some common financial hurdles with their eighth annual Financial Literacy Week Feb. 22-25 in the Lowman Student Center Theater.

Financial Literacy Week is the center’s signature event, featuring guest speakers and presentations that teach students about managing and saving money, understanding debt and credit, and learning how to become financially secure. Each event consists of a presentation, followed by a discussion or game.

Financial Literacy Week calendar“We have more students coming here, trying to figure out how to budget their first paycheck and how to pay off student loan debt. We are becoming part of the Sam Houston experience, not only while students are here, but also after they graduate,” said Patsy Collins, SMMC Director.

“The theme this year is shaping your future, and speakers will talk about the difference between making various choices and how that can affect you financially. Almost every decision an adult makes includes a potential financial ramification,” Collins said.

Monday’s events will begin with “Extreme Couponing,” from 10-10:50 a.m., during which students will receive advice on how to save using expert couponing tips. 

That afternoon, the “Renters and Life Insurance” presentation will show students everything there is to know about insurance from 1-1:50 p.m., followed by “Fun on a Budget” discussion from 3-3:50 p.m. The day’s activities will conclude with “Preparing Your Wallet for Grad School” at 5 p.m.

On Tuesday, the “Live Healthy, Be Wealthy” presentation will discuss lifestyle choices from 11-11:50 a.m.

“Life is a series of trade-offs, you can do most anything you want, but you can’t do everything; you have to choose. For example, if someone stays late at work, it is potentially good for their career and learning, but it means that thy give up time for exercise or family and, perhaps, eating out for dinner,” Collins said. “This might mean that poor food choices are made; they gain weight and exceed their allowance.

“If this choice is repeated over many years, it could affect long-term health, relationships and limit financial gains because of spending excess money eating out, subsequent health-related expenses, and might strain relationships,” Collins continued.

“The Sweat Equity of Success,” from 12:30-1:20 p.m., will address making the right financial choices now in order to be successful after graduation; a study abroad session, from 3:30-4:20 p.m., will aim to educate students about the financial demands associated with studying overseas; and “Goal Wellness and Stress Management” will close the day at 6 p.m.

Wednesday will cover the legal aspects of relationships and money at 11 a.m., “Financial Aid” at 2 p.m. and “Your Money Brand” at 4 p.m.

“Students are presented with a lot of choice about ‘how’ they pay back loans, which becomes their ‘brand,’ or style of handling debt,” Collins said about the “Your Money Brand” presentation. “There is also a branding that occurs while developing income streams and being competitive in the process of aggregating wealth. The talk identifies how to develop and utilize your strengths and education to build your brand or lifestyle.”

Thursday’s keynote address, at 11 a.m., will feature Ja’Net Adams, a certified financial coach, owner of EMACK Consulting and the author of “Debt Sucks.”   

“Adams’s presentation will share strategies that made it possible for her to pay off $50,000 of debt in two years,” said Collins.

After the keynote address, Financial Literacy Week will wrap up two more seminars, “Invest Today Secure Tomorrow,” at 3:30 p.m., and “Starting Your Own Business,” at 5 p.m.

In addition to informational sessions, three $650 scholarships will be awarded at the end of the week. To qualify, students must attend at least four events and submit contact information in one of the SMMC’s drop boxes.

SHSU student organizations also can compete to win $1,000, $750, and $500 prizes. Contest rules and guidelines are available at

For more information about Financial Literacy Week, contact the SMMC at or 936.294.2600

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