Today@Sam Article

Students To Register Peers To Vote In Upcoming Election

Oct. 5, 2016
SHSU Media Contact: Jennifer Gauntt

Among the myriad analyses of the 2016 presidential election have been discussions of the “millennial effect,” exploring the various ways that a group with a traditionally low turnout might have if they, well, decide to turn out to vote.

Sam Houston State University associate professor of political science Heather Evans and her “Introduction to American Politics” academic community engagement class will work to encourage that group to do just that with a voter registration event on Tuesday (Oct. 11).

Students in Heather Evans's "Introduction to American Politics" ACE course are encouraging, and helping, their peers to register to vote with drives across campus. The last day to register for the upcoming presidential election is Oct. 11; on that day, tables will be set up in CHSS and Old Main Market, as well as in front of the LSC.

Evans’s students will have tables set up to help their peers register from 12:30-2 p.m. on the first floor of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences Building, in front of the Lowman Student Center and in the front of Old Main Market.

With Election Day on Nov. 8 this year, Oct. 11 is the last day for students to register to vote in Texas.

“Given the upcoming election, I wanted my students to see politics in action, and what a better way than encouraging people to register to vote,” Evans said. “One recent poll described Texas as a swing state in this upcoming election, which means that every vote will count.” 

To register, students simply fill out a form.

“You need to know your address—if you live on campus, we have a list of physical addresses you can use—and either the last four digits of your social security number or your drivers license number,” Evans said. “That's it.”

 If students want to vote in Huntsville on Election Day, they need to register in Walker County with their local address during the Oct. 11 event. Evans said she recommends doing that, since many students will have class that day, but there are reasons students may choose to stay registered in their home counties.

“If there are issues that they care about in their 'home' communities—say they live on campus but their parents live in Dallas—then they should send a registration form there,” Evans said. “Students can either register with us for Walker County, or they can pick up a voter registration form for the other counties and mail in their forms. All voter registration forms must be postmarked by Oct. 11.” 

Students also have the option of voting early, which begins in Walker County on Oct. 24.

Another thing voters should be informed about in this election is that following the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down the voter identification laws, any form of photo identification will be acceptable, not just a driver’s license. 

“If they don't have one, they can sign a form and show an alternative voter identification document, like a utility bill,” Evans said.

For more information on voting in Walker County, visit

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