Today@Sam Article

Yebra To Discuss Leadership, Resolve, Chaotic Moments

Oct. 3, 2017
SHSU Media Contact: Lane Fortenberry

Faced with the cataclysmic natural disaster of Hurricane Harvey, Sam Houston State University had to quickly make decisions that involved faculty, staff, students and the community.

David Yebra, director of Emergency Management and facilitator of the SHSU Leadership Academy, will speak on the intersection of emergency situations, leadership and mediation skills as part of Conflict Resolution Month.YebraSpeaker630

Yebra’s presentation will take place on Oct. 10 from 1-2 p.m. in Lowman Student Center Room 315. The presentation is co-sponsored by Student Legal and Mediation Services and Leadership Initiatives, both under the Division of Student Affairs.

“Chaotic moments in your life can accelerate your leadership development,” Yebra said. “Conflict can create opportunities to shape your team and establish a foundation of trust. We’ll share stories about emergency situations to highlight how negotiation and mediation skills can enhance your leadership style and potential.”

The theme for Conflict Resolution Month is “Leadership in the Eye of Conflict.”

“In developing that theme, we wanted to explore how leaders handle conflict, and how they need to be at the center of the storm and what to do when they are asked to face dangerous headwinds,” said Gene Roberts, director of Student Legal and Mediation Services. “Little did we imagine a terrible hurricane would touch so many in our state. We wanted to stay with the theme and turn it around, and to learn how, in the crucible of high-pressure decision-making, disputes are managed and leadership emerges.”

The success or failure of a leader is often a result of how one handles conflict, according to Meredith Conrey, director of Leadership Inititatives.

“So many individuals prefer to avoid conflict, but leaders need to learn to address and resolve conflicts to help individuals and teams move forward,” Conrey said. “Conflict resolution skills are incredibly valuable and you can learn from others by understanding how they have handled various situations.”

Yebra will provide his unique perspective on the connection between leadership and conflict resolution skills in emergency situations, including Hurricane Harvey.

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