Today@Sam Article

Salute To Service: Cameron Maze

Nov. 12, 2018
SHSU Media Contact: Hannah Haney

Cameron Maze copy

This November, as Sam Houston State University observes Veterans Day, meet the campus vets that have exemplified the motto, “The measure of a Life is its Service,” in our Salute to Service Series.

Cameron Maze

Maze is a senior engineering technology major and a United States Navy veteran. While in the Navy, he worked as an Aviation Boatswain’s Mate of Equipment and an Aviation Electronics Technician. He served two tours in, Coronado Island, California and in Bremerton, Washington.

CM1T@S: Why did you choose to join the military?

CM: I wanted to serve my country and follow my father’s military service. Most of all, it was because people mainly take from this country and there has to be some of us to give back to it as well.

T@S: Reason for coming to SHSU?

CM: It was the perfect fit for my skill set and degree choice.

T@S: Are your peers aware of your military past?

CM: Very few of them.

T@S: What do you want your civilian peers to know about military service?

CM: A lot of veterans have been through things that most people would rather never endure. Be patient, be kind, and most of all, never forget.

T@S: Do you think people have misconceptions about you?

CM: I do not match my shell. I am much kinder than I look, or at least I think I am.

T@S: How has your service history impacted your academic life?

CM: The military instilled in me a stronger focus and drive to accomplish goals that I've carried over into my schooling.

T@S: How easy/difficult was your transition from the military into an academic setting?

CM: The academic setting actually helped. Having an actual schedule to stay on top of helped with the initial period where days almost had no agenda.  

CM.Square1T@S: Do you think you can identify a vet by appearance? 

CM: Definitely. Each veteran has their own tells and they are usually pretty easy to spot.

  • How do they walk? Do they still march when they step?
  • How do they wear their cover (hat)?
  • Do they have tattoos or a beard? Or tattoos and a beard? (not all but a lot have some or both)
  • Do they break eye contact to look at your hand before they shake it? If not, they are probably a vet.

T@S: Anything that you would like to say/add about your time serving?

CM: Semper Fortis 

T@S: What does, “The measure of a Life is its Service” mean to you?

CM: Upon judgment, your life will be graded not on your achievements but how you helped the rest of the world in spite of yourself.

- END -

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