Today@Sam Article

Professor Starts Each Day With Hope At The Helm

March 20, 2018
SHSU Media Contact: Hannah Haney


After a year subjugated by political and social discontent, Rose Brock, an assistant professor for the Department of Library Science at Sam Houston State University, believes in starting and ending the day with hope, now more than ever.  

With this objective in mind, Brock garnered a compilation of experiences from 24 popular Young Adult authors that portray stories of resiliency and overcoming adversity in her newest book, “Hope Nation.” This collection addresses finding hope in a plethora of ways, through essays, personal accounts and intimate reflections.

Before joining SHSU in 2015, Brock worked as a librarian for Coppell Independent School District. Though she now identifies as an avid reader and book lover, reading did not always come easily. Brock moved from Germany to the United States as a child and reading in English was initially a challenge. She credits the Nancy Drew series in particular for her change in heart. 

“I was suddenly not so alone, and Nancy, allowed me to become confident as a reader. This was genuinely a turning point,” said Brock. “Books and stories have unlimited power. Every reading experience helps me fine tune myself as a person, and that’s one reason that reading is so essential for developing a sense of humanity.”

Brock’s initial goal for the book was to create a modern, “Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul,” and populate it with real people and well-received Young Adult authors, but it ultimately developed into much more. 

“It’s raw and it’s real, and the thing I love most is that these brave writers of YA, is that they have opened themselves up in such intimate ways, allowing all of us to see the scars they’ve endured and wear as badges of honor,” Brock said. “They stand on the other side of those experiences saying, ‘I’m still here, and I’m here for you.’”

Brock believes readers of all ages can benefit from this book and it addresses themes such as abuse, financial ruin, death and immigrant experiences. It was published by Philomel Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House, on Feb. 27.

“With Hope Nation, I hope readers will discover that these writers are like them,” Brock said. “Struggling is an incredibly human and universal condition–hopefully, there will be inspiration for readers in knowing that they aren’t alone, and they can fight for themselves and choose to have hope.”

Not only does this collection of stories offer hope and inspiration, but at its publication, approximately $40,000 was donated to a variety of charities and non-profits. The book collaborators also donated their writing fees, which Penguin matched.

"Hope Nation" is available for purchase on Amazon in Kindle, audiobook and hardcover formats.

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