Today@Sam Article

Salute To Service: Ray Yates

Nov. 9, 2018
SHSU Media Contact: Hannah Haney

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This November, as Sam Houston State University observes Veterans Day, meet the campus vets that have exemplified the motto, “The measure of a Life is its Service,” in our Salute to Service Series.

Dewey Ray Yates Jr.

RYFinalYates is a junior healthcare administration major and a United States Marine Corps veteran. He served as an intelligence analyst and was stationed in Hawaii under the command of the 3rd Battalion 3rd Marines. During his time in the service, he went on two forward deployments to Japan, South Korea and the Philippines. Now at SHSU, he is president of the Collegiate Veterans Association. The CVA is an organization built to advocate, unite, inform and empower all student veterans, no matter where they have deployed.  Veterans of all branches, family members and supporters of the U.S. armed forces are welcomed.

T@S: Why did you choose to join the military?

RY: I wanted to carry on the legacy of my grandfather who served in the Navy. I chose the Marine Corps because of the pride and spirit that runs deeply through the organization.

T@S: Are your peers aware of your military past?

RY: I am very open about most areas of my history, but there are some things that I choose not to disclose in casual conversation, but being part of the Collegiate Veterans Association here at Sam truly helps in being around other like-minded former and current members of the armed forces.

T@S: What do you want your civilian peers to know about your service?

RY: It truly has shaped my foundation as a professional. I am very grateful for my experiences within the Corps. I would not have the confidence or personal strength today without it. 

T@S: How has your service history impacted your academic life?

RY: Having a military background, I have a stronger foundation for discipline and determination. I know that even if the subject is hard, I can prosper. Having been through worse situations, I know that I can make it through whatever academics throws at me.

RY3 copyT@S: How easy/difficult was your transition from the military into an academic setting?

RY: Academically it was easy, getting used to civilians who are undisciplined has been quite frustrating. That is why it is important to surround yourself with people that understand you. 

T@S: Do you think you can identify a vet by appearance?

RY: Most of the time, yes.

T@S: How has SHSU aided in your transition?

RY: SHSU is in the top 20 percent of veteran friendly schools in the nation, we have a lot of resources that other universities do not. For instance, the Veterans Resource Center and the Collegiate Veterans Association.

T@S: What does, “The measure of a Life is its Service” mean to you?

RY: Find your purpose in life, and do as much good as possible through your specific talents and abilities.

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