Today@Sam Article

Cybersecurity Awareness: Stop. Think. Protect.

Oct. 8, 2018
SHSU Media Contact: Stephanie Smith

Approximately every 39 seconds, a cyber hack is attempted. As internet use for things such as online banking and shopping increase, so has our need for cybersecurity.  To support this need and increase cybersecurity awareness, Sam Houston State University’s Information Security Office is kicking off a year long “Stop. Think. Protect.” campaign starting in October for National Cyber Security Awareness Month.

SHSU’s Information Security Officer, Steven Frey, explained that the purpose of this campaign is to increase the university community’s awareness of cyberthreats and teach the campus community how to protect themselves and the university.

cyber500“We already implement technical applications, but we can’t stop cybercriminals when they contact a person directly through email or phone calls,” Frey said. “So the only way we can protect our students, faculty and staff is to make them aware that they can be attacked and how to react if or when they are.”

Currently, the main cyberthreat for SHSU is phishing, which is the process of sending fake emails to convince the recipient to provide their personal information such as usernames and bank details. The goal is to protect the campus community from falling victim to these types of attacks.

Think about how many online accounts you have with personal banking or credit card information stored. Now, imagine a cybercriminal successfully accessing your account, what do you think they are going to do with your information? Their successful attacks could lead to anything from detrimental financial loss to identity theft.

“Hackers only have to be right once, we have to be right all of the time. This is what they do, all day every day, it is their full-time job. No bosses, no reports, no government control,” Frey said.

The odds of being attacked are high considering there are thousands of people around the world with this full-time job, not just one. Being proactive in cybersecurity protection, however,  can significantly decrease their success.

“The innovation of new technology makes it easier for us to use, but that means it is easier for the criminals as well,” Frey said.

“Stop. Think. Protect.” teaches you to be aware of the type of emails you are receiving. STOP: Take your time to review and verify your email request. THINK: Use your best judgement to determine if the email is trustworthy or suspicious. PROTECT: Report and avoid suspicious emails to protect yourself and SHSU.

The SHSU Information Security Office is dedicated to helping the campus community succeed and the “Stop. Think. Protect.” campaign is part of ensuring that success.

If you suspect you are the recipient of a phishing scam or cyberthreat, please notify the IT@Sam Information Security Office at

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