Today@Sam Article

Welcome Back Bearkats! Top Ten Things To Do Your First Week On Campus

Aug. 19, 2019
SHSU Media Contact: Wes Hamilton

Welcome back Bearkats! Over the weekend thousands of students moved into their dorms and apartments across Huntsville for the 2019 fall semester. Welcome Week 2019 is now underway. Check out our top ten things to do to start strong this semester at Sam Houston State University. 


1. Find Your Classes

This one may sound simple, but it is important. You wouldn’t want to end up walking up to AB-III if you class is in AB-IV. Double check your schedule for the semester and be sure to research and plan your day’s route here.


2. Find Free Food 

Welcome week features plenty of opportunities for free grub: Donuts and Directions (Aug. 21, Bearkat Plaza 8 a.m.), Bearkat Picnic (Aug. 21, Austin Hall Quad, 11 a.m.), Feast with the Raven (Aug. 21, Old Main & General’s Market), Bearkat Breakfast of Champions (Aug. 23, Bearkat Plaza, 9:30 a.m.). Additional resources include the SHSU Student Food Pantry, Good Shepherd Mission, Montgomery County Food Bank and the Student Money Management Center. Don’t forget to also check the Student Money Management Center’s website ( for any free food calendar updates/additions throughout the semester.


3. Take Advantage Of Free SHSU Resources 

There are plenty of ways to take advantage of free resources for students. Whether you need academic advising or mentoring (SAM Center), study aids (Academic Success Center), personal health and wellness assistance (Student Health Center), help preparing for your career outside of college (career services), or financial aid, there are always ways to find help available to you.


4. Join An Organization Or Volunteer Your Time  

This year welcome week includes a Volunteer Opportunities and Organizations Fair on Aug. 28 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the LSC’s Orange Ballroom. Check out Student Activities’ get involved page for more ways to be a part of the Bearkat family.


5. Plan Out A Healthy Semester 

The annual Rec Fest is Aug. 20 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Rec Sports Center, but beyond that there are a ton of ways to start your semester off on the healthy foot. Rec Sports Fitness page includes dietetic interns available to all SHSU students, faculty and staff, who can provide you with nutrition education. Whether you are wondering how much you should be eating, healthy versus unhealthy food or just general tips on how to best stay in shape through eating well, interns will be available Tuesday-Thursday or via email at

6. athletics

6. Support SHSU Athletics 

Many fall sports are already in full swing including football, volleyball and women’s soccer.

Your Bearkat OneCard can get you into any home game for free. Be sure to check out for the latest in athletics or follow this link to learn more about student admission policies. lsc

7. Check Out The New LSC 

If you somehow missed it last semester, or are new to campus entirely, be sure to swing by the newly renovated Lowman Student Center. The LSC is your living room on campus and includes: a bowling alley; new kat club that has videos games, arcade games, pool tables and more; dining facilities (Chick-fil-a, Panda Express, Oath Pizza, Steak-N-Shake, and Subway); study spaces; the new orange ballroom event space; and the Three Horse Tavern.


8. Find Your Study Space

Whether it is tucked away at the Newton Gresham Library, curled up in your favorite chair at Starbucks, or hanging out in your dorms study space, everyone needs to find a quiet spot on campus to focus. Be sure to get in a good routine early and stick to your study plan.

The Newton Gresham Library is hosting an open house on Aug. 27, 2-4p.m. in the lobby area by Starbucks. Students are invited to meet the subject librarians for their majors over popcorn and cupcakes, and participate in activities including coloring, DIY button-making, and library trivia quizzes with prizes. The first 100 students to meet their librarians will receive a limited-edition 50th library anniversary t-shirt.


9. Mixers, Mixers And More Mixers 

This year’s welcome week mixers include:

-African American/Black Community Mixer, LSC Orange Ballroom, Aug. 27, 5-6:30 p.m.

-Asian/Pacigic Islander Community Mixer, LSC Orange Ballroom, Aug. 27, 5-6:30 p.m.

-Women’s Community Mixer, LSC Orange Ballroom, Aug. 27, 5-6:30 p.m.

-Latinx Community Mixer, LSC Orange Ballroom, Aug. 27, 5-6:30 p.m.

-Lavender (LGBTQIA*) Community Mixer, LSC Orange Ballroom, Aug. 27, 5-6:30 p.m.

-First-Generation Student Mixer, LSC 241B, Aug. 28, 4:30-6 p.m.


10. Check Out This Link For A Complete List Of Welcome Week Activities 

Fall Welcome Week kicks off with New Student Move-In and hosts around 30 events the first week. Events during the fall range from the annual Kat Comedy Showcase, Find Your Classes, Feast with the Raven, and more! 

Welcome Week

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