Today@Sam Article

Alumna Recognized For Teaching Excellence

Sept. 12, 2019
SHSU Media Contact: Hannah Haney

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Story by Mikah Boyd

The University of Texas Board of Regents recognizes their extraordinary educators annually with the Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award. The 27 recipients of this year’s award were given a certificate, a medallion, and $25,000 by the University of Texas Board of Regents out of appreciation for their hard work and their impact on their students.

One of the recipients is SHSU alumna, Dixie Shaw-Tillmon. A Houston native, Shaw-Tillmon received her B.A. in English Literature from the University of Houston in 1995 and earned her M.A. in English Literature from Sam Houston State in 1997.

She chose SHSU for her master’s degree to be a part of the great education program that would let future employers know that she knew how to teach effectively.


“My degree from SHSU gave me credibility as a teacher because the university is known as a strong teaching college, regardless of the field,” Shaw-Tillmon said.

Shaw-Tillmon realized that she wanted to teach after being given the opportunity to take over a developmental writing course that prepped students to pass the Texas Higher Education Assessment. After a semester of teaching the course, her students passed, making her realize what she was truly capable of and what her calling was. 

Now in her 17th year of lecturing at UTSA, her motivation for teaching is her belief that education will always benefit the students. She treats her students as she would like her children to be treated, engaging them on a different level and encouraging them to succeed. 

“It is an honor to be acknowledged for my work, especially because my work is all about students,” Shaw-Tillmon said. “This award shows all teachers that we are valued for what we give to our students and I am grateful.”

Shaw-Tillmon looks forward to continuing to teach incoming freshmen and giving them the tools that they need to succeed in college. She lives by the philosophy that you shouldn’t take life so seriously and encourages her students to do the same and enjoy their college experience.

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