Today@Sam Article

SHSU Becomes Academic Home For Transfer Student

July 1, 2019
SHSU Media Contact: Hannah Haney

AG4Square3When Ashley Green was a college sophomore, she knew she wanted a change. She had been studying engineering at a university in Houston but was not happy, and shortly began searching for a new academic home. At Sam Houston State University - the opportunities seemed endless.

The promise of a fresh start and a $16,000 scholarship from the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, influenced Green to transfer schools.

“I am grateful for all the scholarships I have received over the years, but the most impactful one has been from the HLSR,” Green said. “The scholarship made me cry tears of happiness because I don’t have to bear the financial burden of receiving a degree.”

Since transferring, Green has flourished.

“SHSU provides a tight-knit community that I call home,” Green said. “I don’t think that I could have found the warm welcomes, the smiles and the friendships anywhere else.”

Now a junior studying finance, Green received an additional $16,000 achievement scholarship from the HLSR for maintaining a high GPA.

“I am proud that I was able to conquer my obstacles,” Green said. “I went from not having any idea of what I wanted to do for a career, to having a very defined goal.” 

AG3.jpgSquare1Support from the rodeo has enabled Green to invest in her college experience.

“The opportunities, shorter commute and small class size is what attracted me to SHSU,” Green said. “I also wanted to receive an education where I could develop relationships with my peers, as well as mentors. The one-on-one interaction professors have with their students also sets SHSU apart from other universities.”

One professor that influenced her career trajectory, was accounting professor, Ronnie Daigle.

“Dr. Ronnie Daigle is a professor that taught me the importance of repetition, preparation and success,” Green said. “His willingness to help his students and his wonderful advice is something I will cherish beyond my academic career.”

With Daigle’s encouragement, Green secured a highly coveted summer internship with Anadarko Petroleum Company working full-time in the land administration department as a Division Order Analyst.

AG7.jpgSquare1“I'm extremely grateful to be a part of this large community of scholars because it has allowed me to meet new people, gain new experiences and has opened the door for numerous opportunities,” Green said. “I am very excited for what the future holds.”

Green will graduate with a bachelor’s in administration-finance in May 2020. She will then further her education by obtaining a master’s degree in business administration, which will also be supported by her HLSR scholarship. She plans to give back to the HLSR organization in the future by volunteering her time and funds, specifically to committees that focus on raising money for student scholarships.

“The most rewarding thing about being a rodeo scholar is being a part of a community that emphasizes the importance of education,” Green said.

Currently, more than 2,300 students are on rodeo scholarships, attending more than 80 different Texas colleges and universities. The value of these scholarships is more than $50 million. Since 2009, more than 565 Bearkats have been supported.


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