Today@Sam Article

A Bearkat Survival Guide For Less Stressful Finals

April, 25, 2019
SHSU Media Contact: Wes Hamilton

Study_BellTowerWritten By Mackailyn Johnson

An early Starbucks run, pulling an all-nighter and going over a review 11 times only means one thing: finals week. The time is quickly approaching and is a sure stress-fest for many students at Sam Houston State University. 

Some students are anticipating graduation and others are just for summer vacation, but each one has to make it through the week. In order to relieve some of the stress that comes along with finals week and be as prepared as possible… Here’s our Survival Guide:

Know Your Schedule:

Knowing when an exam is scheduled makes it easier to plan study sessions. Finals week changes up your normal class schedule to offer more time during your exams. Be sure to visit to see when your final exam is scheduled.

Take Advantage Of Campus Resources:

SHSU offers many outlets to receive assistance in your courses, the academic success center is a great place to start.


Academic Success Center: Writing

A course may end the semester with a final essay. If you need help with structuring the paper, using the proper writing style or just need another set of eyes, the Writing Center is available to help. The center has both one-on-one and group instruction for reading and writing.

Academic Success Center: Math

If those equations are not sticking then visit the Math Center and receive help with one of the math tutors.

­­­­ Academic Success Center: Supplemental Instruction

The Academic Success Center also offers supplemental instruction sessions which are peer-facilitated study sessions that use reviews, discussions and activities to help grasp the content.

Follow the links to see tutoring times that match your courses.

Be Confident And Relax:

StudyingTEC1The SHSU chapter of Active Minds strives to raise awareness about the importance of mental health and encourage students to seek assistance or advice when needed. Organization President and SHSU junior, Alex Cuellar, says the group is dedicated to helping ease anxieties of students who tend to over stress during testing time. 

“The most successful thing we do is usually stress relief activities during finals week,” Cuellar said. “We will bring in therapy dogs to the mall area, because it is hard to be stressed out while petting a dog, they are a very calming presence. Another popular activity is helping students make their own stress ball."

Confidence is key, especially during finals week. You know your schedule and have now used the proper resources to prepare yourself. So, you’re ready. Take a deep breath and do your best!

Finals week is stressful enough on its own, don’t let being unprepared add to that!

Good Luck.

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