Today@Sam Article

Recent Grad Finds Her Home On Capitol Hill

Aug. 1, 2019
SHSU Media Contact: Hannah Haney

Emilie Grecula graduated from Sam Houston State University in May 2019, and by June she had purchased a one-way ticket to Washington, D.C. to work as a press intern for Congressman Kevin Brady. EMSquare1

Grecula’s internship is intended to last only eight weeks, but in mid-July she signed a one-year apartment lease to remain in the city.

“I knew before I left Texas, that D.C. would most likely be my next home- and I wasn’t wrong,” Grecula said. “I fell in love with the city as soon as I got here and am having such a blast exploring. It’s also a great place to meet people. Everyone has been so kind and welcoming to the outsider who is trying to work her way up.” 

As an intern, Grecula’s duties include writing press releases, memos, answering constituent phone calls, giving tours of the capitol, transcribing press conferences and interviews and creating content for social media, such as captions and graphics.

“My advice for anyone wanting to learn more about politics - D.C. is the place to be,” Grecula said. “These two months have been so exciting. To be able to work for my district Congressman has opened my eyes to an entirely new world. I feel honored to be walking the halls of the Capitol every day for work.”

Though she prefers public relations over politics and policy, this position gives Grecula experience in a variety of roles. 

EG22“I am really focused on issues dealing with climate change and the environment. Thankfully, my internship encourages us to learn,” Grecula said. “I am given time to choose what interests me and can attend those briefings. It is incredible to see how many different policies and events are discussed each day.” 

Grecula earned her degree in Mass Communication with a concentration in Multi-platform Journalism and a minor in Criminal Justice. She credits her professors and time at SHSU for encouraging her to leave her comfort zone.

“There are so many ways that SHSU prepared me, one huge and important way was the support of professors. I can honestly say without their support and guidance, I wouldn’t be where I am today,” Grecula said. “The ones that stick out are LeeAn Muns and Peter Roussel. They were the most helpful both in school and in understanding the world after school. LeeAn taught material that she knew would be relevant to the students' future careers. Peter was a mentor along the way and was actually the reason that I heard about the D.C. internship in the first place. He always wanted to ensure his students had opportunities and this was shown when he would constantly pass out internships to the class.”

Now that she is in D.C. permanently, Grecula’s main priority is to find a full-time job and is confident in her decision to stay. She is seeking jobs in public relations, journalism, public affairs, graphic design, and marketing.

“I know my hard work will pay off eventually and I know that everything will work out in the end,” Grecula said. “D.C. is a great place for opportunities, the people are lovely, and you never know who you might run into. It’s been pretty surreal.”

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