Today@Sam Article

Academic Departments In Criminal Justice Authorized By Board Of Regents

Nov. 15, 2019
SHSU Media Contact: Emily Binetti

CJFront2Department changes in the Sam Houston State University College of Criminal Justice were among the items approved on Nov. 15 during the Texas State University System quarterly Board of Regents meeting on the SHSU campus.

Regents approved the degree programs within the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology be separated to establish two units: Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology and the Department of Victim Studies. The split will allow the two rapidly growing and uniquely different programs in Victim Studies to develop distinct missions and scopes as well as marketing strategies which directly reflect their specialized fields of study.

In the College of Osteopathic Medicine, approved curriculum changes include three course additions, eight course deletions and 31 course changes.

31 SHSU faculty-led study abroad programs for year 2020 were also approved.

In finance, Regents authorized undergraduate and graduate institutional services fees. The fees replace a variety of incidental fees and will fund critical support services and infrastructure that advance student success.

A 10 percent student service fee increase was approved. The change will allow SHSU to continue supporting existing services and operations, expand programs and services and cover fixed cost increases all of which are impacted by inflationary cost increases and enrollment growth.

Annual program fees for the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine and Executive MBA (domestic and international) were approved along with per semester Nursing program fees.

Additionally, with laboratory materials increasing in cost every year, an approved Science & Engineering Technology lab fee increase will generate enough funding to cover most material and supply costs.

In planning and construction, SHSU was authorized to enter into agreements with Tullis Development, LLC for the development of a hotel, conference center and criminal justice training facility.

Regents also approved the buildout of the Barnes & Noble bookstore and procurement and installation of audiovisual equipment be added to the Lowman Student Center Renovation project.

In contracts, a contract amendment with Consolidated Communications for the addition of data circuit for the Medical School Building and also a contract with AHI Facility Services, Inc. for custodial services were approved.

In personnel, the 2019 TSUS Regents Award recipients were formally recognized. Scott Chapman, professor of Mathematics at SHSU, was one of the four recipients honored with a Regents' Professor Award. The award recognizes professors whose performance and contributions to the educational community have been exemplary. Recipients of the Regents’ Professor Award maintain the title for the duration of their service within the university system and receive a monetary award and a commemorative medallion.



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