Today@Sam Article

Organization Prepares Students For Vet School

Feb. 13, 2019
SHSU Media Contact: Mackailyn Johnson

MarshallThe Sam Houston State University motto ‘The measure of a Life is its Service’ is steering the Pre-Veterinary Society in a new partnership direction that not only helps animals, but students in their veterinary career.

New leadership introduced itself to the student-run organization with new ideas to help members. Senior, Animal Science Pre-Veterinary Medicine major, Noemi Cazares, recently took over the organization as president. Cazares has utilized her passion for helping animals to restructure the society.

Acting as a member for a year before running for president helped Cazares because she was able to notice what could use improvement and where there were needs.

“When I stepped into office I wanted students to have opportunities to see all of the things that I’ve been able to see as a volunteer,” Cazares said. “Students really need veterinary experience. That’s why I made a partnership with Houston Humane Society, Houston Pets Alive and Texas Wildlife Rehabilitation Coalition.”

catshotsThrough the partnerships, students are able to volunteer with them at various events. Some guests who speak at meetings or assist in workshops also come from these partnerships.

Since SHSU is only the first step for pre-veterinary majors, the organization’s goal is to help students get the experience and hours they need in order to get into the school of their choice

“The pre-requisites vary based on what school you want to go to,” Cazares said. “Some very science heavy and chemistry heavy. They really want you to have vet experience, but they also want you to be diverse and they want you to have really good grades.”

With vet-schools placing a huge emphasis on the need for applicants to have hands-on experience the new partnership for the society ensures that students are getting that chance. In their weekly meetings members will either learn from various workshops or guest speakers. There are also outside events they can participate in.

Dogshots“I don’t like just watching, that’s boring,” Cazares said. “I’ve taught students how to perform a blood draw and we’re having an injection clinic. We will also be teaching students how to do an exam on dogs checking their ears, their gums and taking vitals.”

In following weeks, the society will have an admissions coordinator from Cornell University on Skype answering questions on how to get into vet school, a specialist coming to talk about eternal medicine, and someone from Veterinary Anesthesia Systems teaching them how to use an anesthesia machine.

When it comes to applying the university’s motto to their organization, service to the community is a major component.

“At the Wildlife Center we’re about to have a bunch of baby birds come in,” Cazares said. They’re going to need volunteers every day. At the Houston Humane Society, we have an event coming up where we’re helping with 700 cat neuters for people who are low income or catch-and-fix type programs to try and control the population.”

Vet society hawkThe Pre-Veterinary Society is open to anyone who is interested and there’s only one minor requirement of a 2.0 GPA. The society does this to ensure as many people can get involved as possible.   

“I don’t like restricting,” Cazares said. “I want everyone to join and participate because that’s more people helping animals, learning about the industry and knowing more about veterinary medicine. I want to be able to show them how rewarding it is to help animals in those different fields.”

With all of the work put into making the organization what it is today, Cazares has one specific goal for the club’s future.

“Since I’m graduating this year, I am hoping to leave a legacy behind and keep all of those programs intact, keep the workshops so students can develop technical skills, and the networking opportunities with the guest speakers,” Cazares said. “I worked really hard to make this program, so I want it to be sustained.”

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