Today@Sam Article

Professor Honored For Service By Texas House

June 10, 2019
SHSU Media Contact: Hannah Haney

Written by Carla Clark 

The Texas House of Representatives on May 24, honored Robert Harmon, a veteran who retired from the U.S. Army as a lieutenant colonel after 28 years of service. State Representative Steve Toth (R-Conroe), who introduced H.R. 1660 in Lt. Col. Harmon's honor, issued the official statement.

Rob Harmon Picture"Lt. Col. Rob Harmon has distinguished himself as an outstanding serviceman and an exemplary citizen," Rep Toth said. "We see this through his long service in the U.S. Army, his continued service in the Texas State Guard, his mentorship and involvement in the Montgomery County Veterans Court and the Mighty Oaks Foundation, and his continued contributions to society as a nursing professor at the Sam Houston State University."

Retired Army Lt. Colonel Harmon has served as a clinical assistant professor at the SHSU School of Nursing since the spring semester of 2017. The School of Nursing Director, Dr. Denise Neill said, “Rob has been instrumental in teaching real life scenarios to our nursing students. His experience in battle situations taught him to be inventive in his care. He also has vast experience in time proven healing herbal medicine and he brings that knowledge to the School of Nursing. We are extremely proud to work with him. He has a passion for teaching students. His recognition by the Texas House is well deserved.”

The resolution ceremony had been planned by Texas State Representative Steve Toth and Colonel Harmon’s wife, Joann. According to Lt. Colonel Harmon, “I thought I was going up to Austin for just a visit during the last week of the session. My wife and Steve Toth had an unexpected surprise for me on the house floor.”

For more information about SHSU’s School of Nursing, visit or email


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