Today@Sam Article

Student Starts Small Business To Pay For Education

Dec. 16, 2019
SHSU Media Contact: Hannah Haney

Karen Sears 2SquareEvery successful business venture needs dreamers and doers in order to achieve results. Freshman criminal justice major Karen Sears is both, and she plans on making a difference in the world someday.

Growing up, Sears considered many career opportunities from an actress, to a flutist, and a dentist before making up her mind to become an attorney only days before her high school graduation. Her parents, just happy that she decided on a path, quickly enrolled her in a five-month summer course to earn her paralegal license.  

During this time, Sears’ vision for her future was becoming clearer and without hesitation, she vowed to earn her bachelor’s degree from one of the top criminal justice schools in the nation - Sam Houston State University.

However, the road to a law degree is expensive and Sears quickly realized she would have to look for other opportunities to earn money beyond her part-time job. 

“I originally did not plan to start my own business, but I knew I wanted to be a Bearkat and go to law school,” Sears said. “My mom and I talked about opening an online store that I could manage in the evenings and on weekends.” 

Today, Sears is enrolled in 18 credit hours a semester through SHSU online, works a part-time job and runs her small, gift giving business. Though she does not identify as an entrepreneur, Sears’ recent business venture has gained her attention from multiple media outlets.

Even more impressive, is the large number of connections and support she has garnered in this short amount of time. Sears took the time to contact local attorneys seeking business advice and support, when her current mentor, Paul Cannon a shareholder at Simmons and Fletcher, reached out to her in response. He has been instrumental in getting her website up and running and offering his guidance.

IMG_0958“I am lucky to have him as my mentor,” Sears said. “He has helped me tremendously not only with my website, but with my personal goals.”

Sears’ mission is to provide the best product for her customers and aims to keep everyone updated on her academic progress through her website’s blog. She plans to continue her business as long as she can, even after starting law school.

“I don’t like to run from challenges,” Sears said. “I am very happy and blessed to be where I am right now. I have the best support system in the world.”

To learn more about Sear’s business, visit here:

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