Today@Sam Article

Student Survey Aims To Improve Campus Life

Feb. 18, 2019
SHSU Media Contact: Wes Hamilton

NCHA500With a student population that is always changing in size, makeup and needs, how is it possible to have a comprehensive tool to hear the voice of Sam Houston State University students collectively? SHSU is aiming to allow students to assert their opinions and improve campus life through a university wide initiative and the 2019 National College Health Assessment. 

On Feb. 18 all undergraduate students age 18 and older, received an email from the SHSU Student Health Center ( asking for participation in a campus wide survey that will help our Bearkat community determine health and wellness priorities.

“This anonymous survey will allow your voice to be heard regarding your health and wellness,” said Megan Richardson, assistant director of the Office of Health Promotion. “With the data, we will be able to tailor our programs based off where we see needs or gaps. We can better allocate resources and money to those areas that we may not have otherwise realized were there.”

The survey is expected to take around 20 minutes to complete. As an added bonus, students that submit the survey before March 8 are automatically entered into a drawing where 20 people will win a $50 Starbucks gift card.

LiveWellCircleSHSU senior marketing major Jesus Laris says he is glad to have his voice heard.

“I think the survey is important, because it is reassuring, it makes me feel like the university cares about me,” Laris said. “It makes me feel like my opinion matters and it is nice to be able to speak my mind about issues we are facing.”

He is also excited to help future Bearkats.

“My little sister wants to follow in my footsteps to Sam Houston State,” Laris said. “So I am glad to help future generations of students and I am happy other students will benefit from having the university hear our voice.”

Some data is easy to track. For example, if there is an increase of cold and flu cases, more clinics could be offered, but other data trends are not so obvious. One area of focus the survey will collect more information on is safety on campus.

LiveWellChart“A question like, ‘do students feel safe walking from class to their car at all times of the day,’ will give us data that we would not be able to get from anywhere else,” Richardson said.

Others areas covered in the survey include: nutrition, mental health, sexual health, alcohol and drug use, physical fitness, housing and food insecurity.

“The more students who take the survey, the more accurate results we will get,” Richardson said “This gives students the perfect outlet to tell us exactly what they want and need. What do you like on campus, what do you want to see more of, what don’t you like?”

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