Today@Sam Article

Achieve Your 2020 Fitness Goals With Rec Sports

Jan. 15, 2020
SHSU Media Contact: Wes Hamilton


Welcome back Bearkats. It is only the third week of January, so hopefully you haven’t already trashed those New Year’s resolutions, because the Department of Recreational Sports has a few tips and tricks to keep up your workout plan despite the madness of the first few weeks of the semester.

Yes, starting in January and leading up to spring break is a busy time at the gym each year. However, Melissa Fadler, associate director of Rec Sports, explains that there is still plenty of space available to help you stick with those resolutions.

“Our busiest hours are from 3 p.m. to about 8 p.m. typically,” Fadler said. “But the best times to come to the Rec Sports Center are during off-peak hours, between 9 a.m. and Noon.”

Jan. 13-26 Rec Sports is offering Demo Days, which means you can try any fitness class or climb on the rock wall for free.

As part of Demo Days, Rec Sports Fit Fest is scheduled for Jan. 22 and is also free. Join us from 4:30 – 6 p.m. to try out any of the fitness classes, talk to a personal trainer, and let them help you create your fitness plan for the semester.

As with most diet and exercise, planning a routine is key to helping stick with it past the first few weeks. There are many classes available to fit into tight schedules.


GroupX classes start in January with more than 30 classes taught each week by certified fitness instructors that are trained to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Each class runs in 12-week sessions for $15 for students and $20 for non-students.

Visit the Rec Sports page and click on the Spring 2020 Program Guide for more information.


“Find an accountability-buddy, because fitness is always better with friends. Rec Sports offers group personal training, and the trainer can act as that accountability-buddy even if you can’t find someone who shares your fitness goals,” Fadler said. “Fitness assessments ($15 with a personal trainer) are a great way to determine your starting level so you can set SMART goals. Planning time for fitness is just like planning your class schedule.”

The fitness program offers comprehensive activities for the Bearkat community. Programs include group fitness classes, personal training, fitness workshops, certifications and a variety of weight room and cardio equipment. There are also ways to improve your eating habits.

“You can’t overcome a bad diet through exercise,” Fadler said. “The treadmill will not negate the 3000 calorie fast-food meal you ate. That is why we offer dietetic interns that provide nutrition education free of charge at the Rec Sports Center.”

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that college aged adults should participate in 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity most days of the week.

“The biggest thing is to just do something each day to stay active for at least 30 minutes. Your mind and body will thank you for it,” Fadler said.

Workout600Cardiovascular exercise, strength training, flexibility, and functional training benefits include sleeping better, feeling more awake throughout the day, improved confidence, and a stronger immune system.

“Getting people to realize the importance of exercise is crucial,” said Scott Berkowitz, assistant director of Recreational Sports. “Add it into your daily schedule. If you don’t plan it into your day you most likely will not do it. Exercise needs to be part of everyone’s day in some way, shape or form. Rec Sports has you covered in that regard.”

If working out 5 days a week doesn’t sound exciting, try varying the routine. Rec Sports includes many sports facilities. There are basketball courts, a lap pool, racquetball courts, tennis courts, sand volleyball courts, a rock wall and an indoor track that students, faculty and staff can walk no matter the weather.

SHSU also offers many intramural programs and 20 different club sports. Being a member of a team increases accountability according to Keith Jenkins, associate vice president for Student Affairs, who explained that no matter the need, students can find a program to get involved with on campus.

“I challenge anyone to find something they feel they can’t participate in at SHSU,” Jenkins said. “If any student approached myself or the Rec Sports staff, we would find your place in our programs. I promise you that.”

For more information about programs, hours and pricing visit the Recreational Sports page at   

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