Today@Sam Article

Statement On Retirement Of SHSU President Dana Hoyt

Feb. 4, 2020
SHSU Media Contact: Mike Wintemute


In a letter Tuesday morning, Sam Houston State University President Dana Hoyt announced her intent to retire in August 2020.  


“The motto of Sam Houston State University is ‘The measure of a life is its service.’ As president of SHSU for the last decade, Dr. Dana Hoyt has embodied the spirit of these words," Texas State University System Chancellor Brian McCall said. "Dr. Hoyt has led the university to new heights with boundless energy and enthusiasm—growing enrollment, adding state-of-the-art facilities, and establishing the System’s first medical school, among other accomplishments. The Board of Regents and I are grateful for Dr. Hoyt’s service to Sam Houston State University and we wish her well in the next chapter of her life."

The Texas State University System will launch a national search this month for the next president of SHSU. An advisory search committee to be appointed by Board of Regents Chairman Bill Scott will meet in the coming months to discuss the desired attributes and qualifications of SHSU’s next president, and will recommend a group of finalists to Chancellor McCall, who will select a sole finalist to be considered by the Board of Regents. Additional information about the SHSU presidential search process will be announced in the coming weeks.

The Texas State University System is Texas’ first university system, with seven institutions serving more than 86,000 students from the Big Bend Region of West Texas to the Louisiana border.

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