Today@Sam Article

Presidential Search Update – June 2020

June 8, 2020
SHSU Media Contact: Mike Wintemute

The following is a brief update on the SHSU presidential search:

  • The search is continuing as planned and on schedule, with a sole finalist likely being selected and named by the Chancellor by the end of June, 2020;
  • Approximately 120 applications were received from a national search coordinated by the search committee’s executive search firm, Academic Search;
  • During mid-May, the Advisory Search Committee reviewed applicants and narrowed the applicant pool to 14 candidates to interview virtually;
  • In early June, after interviewing candidates, the Advisory Search Committee completed its work by recommending a small number of finalists to the Chancellor for consideration;
  • During June, additional due diligence will be conducted on the finalists and the Chancellor will also interview them;
  • A sole finalist will be selected by the Chancellor and will be publicly announced by the end of the June, 2020. After the public announcement, by state law there is a 21-day waiting period before Board approval; and
  • During the waiting period, the sole finalist will be actively introduced to SHSU faculty, staff, students, community members, and other key stakeholders, adhering to travel, meeting, and social distancing guidance related to COVID-19.

Additional updates will be posted to the SHSU presidential search web site as they become available.

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