Today@Sam Article

Presidential Search Update – March 2020

March 31, 2020
SHSU Media Contact: Mike Wintemute

First, in this time of great uncertainty, we hope everyone is staying healthy and doing what they can to keep their families and communities healthy and safe as well.

The extra time and energy required by faculty, staff, and students to keep the university operating and the educational process moving forward is very much appreciated!

The System is also very proud of SHSU’s “can do” spirit. We hear daily examples of how campus community members demonstrate the university’s motto of “the measure of a life is its service.”

Second, we wanted to provide a quick update on the SHSU presidential search:

  • Currently, the search is proceeding as planned since much of the early recruitment for the position is done remotely via telephone, email, and video calls.
  • The job announcement for SHSU’s presidency was posted in early March and immediately generated a great deal of national interest, with our search firm fielding numerous calls from high quality candidates.
  • Based upon feedback and input received during campus open forums with faculty, staff, and students, as well as meetings with key stakeholders and hundreds of responses submitted via the online survey, a presidential profile was drafted and is available on the presidential search web site:
  • The input provided by the campus community was particularly helpful in capsulizing the attributes and qualifications desired in the next president, the leadership challenges the next president will face, and the key selling points for SHSU and the community. A summary of the online survey results is also available on the presidential search web site:
  • The priority deadline for nominations is May 8, 2020. The Advisory Search Committee will meet several times in May and early June to narrow the pool of candidates with the expectation that a sole finalist will be named by the Chancellor by mid-to-late June, 2020.

Additional updates will be posted to the presidential search web site as they become available.

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