Today@Sam Article

Salute To Service: Faculty, Staff

Nov. 12, 2020
SHSU Media Contact: Hannah Haney

This November, as Sam Houston State University observes Veterans Day, meet the faculty and staff that have exemplified the motto, “The measure of a Life is its Service,” in our Salute to Service Series.

Circle of Service

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Robinetta Hudson, Kinesiology

Hudson is a lab coordinator for the Kinesiology department at Sam Houston State University and a United States Air Force veteran. During her time in active duty, she worked as an air transportation specialist and is an Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran. She was stationed in Charleston, South Carolina, Charleston Air Force Base, in Frankfurt, Germany, Rhein-Main Air Base and in Balad, Iraq, at Camp Anaconda.

T@S: Why dHudson 2003.squareid you choose to join the military?

RH: I chose to join the military to remove the financial burden of pursing higher education from my family.

T@S: Anything that you would like to say about your time serving?

RH: During my time in service I had some good memories, some sad memories, some INTENSE memories, but none bad. 

T@S: How has your service history impacted your life?

RH: My time in service allowed me to develop a team-oriented approach valuing putting the mission first, over self. This approach assists in meetings where there may be a difference of educated opinions. I am able to state my opinion without getting stuck thinking that my opinion is the only one that matters. I’m able to move forward with the best option for the entire team and able to put ego to the side. In the military, I had a “black or white/right or wrong” viewpoint with not much room for a “gray area.” I am now more gracious in my thought process of the gray area in academic life. Mission first now, for me, equals a student-centered approach. 

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Justin Simms, Print Services

Simms is a print specialist for the Print Services department at Sam Houston State University and a United States Air Force veteran. While in active duty, he worked as a munitions specialist responsible for storing all of the explosives on base. During this time, Simms lived in Wichita County, Texas, at Sheppard Air Force Base and in Hampton, Virginia, at Langley Air Force Base.Air Force graduation23.NEW   

T@S: Why did you choose to join the military?

JS: It has great benefits and experiences. 

T@S: Anything that you would like to say about your time serving?

JS: I’m really glad I did it, it really brings out the best in you and what you can accomplish. Military service gives you experience you definitely won’t get anywhere else. I would definitely recommend it to people thinking about joining.

T@S: How has your service history impacted your life?

JS: It has made me more appreciative of service members that served before me, all the sacrifices endured by the men and women, the veterans from the Revolutionary War to present day.  We are here today because of them.


Robert Harmon, Nursing

Colonel Harmon (RET) is an assistant clinical professor in the School of Nursing at Sam Houston State University and is a United States Army veteran. Harmon also continues his service in the Texas State Guard as a commander of the Conroe Texas State Guard Medical Detachment. During his time in the Army, Harmon served tours in Central America in 1994 and Afghanistan in 2001 and 2010.

Col H Texas GuardT@S: Why did you choose to join the military?

RH: Desire to serve my country and receive the best and most challenging professional training available.

T@S: Anything that you would like to say about your time serving?

RH: It was an honor to serve. The U.S. military represents freedom as its members promote and protect the individual rights of all people in all nations that we are deployed. We always try to do the right thing.

T@S: How has your service history impacted your life?

RH: It has given me a better perspective on how blessed we are in this nation, as we are free to pursue our dreams.





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