Today@Sam Article

Commencement Spotlight: Eric Webster

May 17, 2021
SHSU Media Contact: Emily Binetti

“Commencement Spotlight” is a series focused on highlighting SHSU graduates who have made remarkable strides in their lives to reach commencement day. These stories from Bearkats graduating this month, who have demonstrated a “can-do” spirit through challenges and service, remind us of the many ways Sam Houston State University is preparing students for meaningful lives of achievement. Visit today@sam/commencementspotlight to find the list of stories highlighted so far.

bTTcQuhgEric Webster                     
San Antonio, Texas         
Degree: BS Major Sociology, Minor Military Science         

“Service toward the wellbeing of others is not a switch that can be turned on or off. It is something one must choose to embrace. It is during disastrous times and experiences such as these, that the meaning of, "The measure of a Life is its Service" is truly understood.”

Responding to 911 distress calls one day, while making good grades and attending class the next, isn’t easy, but Eric Webster managed to pull through to earn his degree. As an Army ROTC cadet and full-time Houston Firefighter, serving others is second nature.

Webster is a Raven Scholar Award and SHSU Esquire Delta Tau Delta scholarship recipient.

What challenges did you face to complete your college degree?
EW: The biggest challenge I faced was working as both a full-time City of Houston Firefighter and as a full-time student, while serving as a member of two prominent school organizations. Through bonding with other students throughout campus and working with my professors, I was able to persevere and have the helping hands I needed to make it to the finish line.  

DSC02137What future career goals do you have?
EW: After graduation from SHSU and the ROTC program this month, I will commission within the US Army Aviation Branch and begin my journey to becoming a Black Hawk Helicopter pilot.

What will you miss most about your time as an SHSU student?
EW: I will miss time bonding with my Delta Tau Delta fraternity brothers through our many community service and philanthropy projects, as well as my fellow SHSU cadets who also trained alongside me to become military officers.         

See more Commencement Spotlight features.      

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