Today@Sam Article

Commencement Spotlight: Tiffany Taylor-Jordan

Dec. 9, 2021
SHSU Media Contact: Wes Hamilton

“Commencement Spotlight” highlights SHSU's upcoming graduates with stories from Bearkats that demonstrate a “can-do” spirit through challenges and service. Visit today@sam/commencementspotlight to read more.


Tiffany Taylor-Jordan
New York, NY
Bachelor of Science in Education

For Tiffany Taylor-Jordan, being a Bearkat graduate has become a family tradition, even if the journey was not a traditional route. Taylor-Jordan, who is graduating this fall with a bachelor’s degree in education, decided to finish her degree 20 years after she started.

“As a first-generation student, it was important to show my son that it’s never too late to accomplish your dreams,” she said. “I went back to school when my son started high school, but then I got really sick. I later was diagnosed with a major illness, and subsequently had five back-to-back surgeries. School kept me going and gave me something to focus on while I was so sick.”

Even while recovering, she maintained her courses at Lonestar Community College. Then in January 2020, Taylor-Jordan transferred to SHSU while working as a teaching assistant for an alternative education program.

IMG_5612“It has been hard navigating school, work, and family obligations while dealing with a pandemic,” she said. “Even through all this, I persevered and maintained a 4.0 GPA while at Sam Houston and have made the dean’s list every semester that I have attended.”

Being an adult-learner comes with many challenges. Taylor-Jordan admitted to doubting her abilities and struggling at times, but she found plenty of support at SHSU.

“Having organizations such as Evolve, and the TRIO TSS program, and mentors like Dr. Ates, really helped me push through my fears and helped me get to my graduation date,” Taylor-Jordan said.

She is also excited to add to the recent accomplishments of her family at SHSU.

“My son graduated in May 2021, and I’m next graduating this December. He is so proud of me and what I have accomplished,” she said. “My husband also graduated from Sam in 2005 with a degree in criminal justice. I can’t wait to put my diploma next to his.”

Upon graduating, Taylor-Jordan accepted a special education elementary life skills position in Cy-Fair ISD. She also plans to continue her education at SHSU by joining the Special Education master’s program and hopes to use that to springboard a career as an educational diagnostician.

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